Lack of ethanol production capacity is the main hurdle in achieving the target. Brazil, the world's leading sugar producer, is a pioneer in ethanol blending with petrol and achieved more than 25%
All India Sugar Trade Association sees sugar output falling to 27 million tonnes; This is higher than ISMA's estimate of 26 million tonnes for 2019-20
Ex-mill sugar prices have remained steady in the range of Rs 3,250-3,350 per quintal in north India and at Rs 3,100-3,250 per quintal in the south India, the industry body added
According to the ISMA, 406 sugar mills were crushing sugarcane as on December 15, as against 473 mills on the year-ago same day.
Union minister Danve Raosaheb Dadarao said sugar mills were advised to export sugar as per their MIEQ (Minimum Indicative Export Quota) allocation
Millers have accused ISMA of overstating last year's production and delaying the decision on imports
Production down 9%, as drought hits cane harvest in many parts of the country