Chip maker Intel Thursday inaugurated design house 'SRR4' at its Bengaluru campus that has been built with an investment of about Rs 1,100 crore. The design facility, which will expand Intel's R&D presence in India, has been built with an investment of approximately Rs 1,100 crore and is located at Intel's 44-acre campus in Bengaluru, a statement said. It has 6.2 lakh sq ft of space, including 1 lakh sq ft of lab infrastructure and will house technologists who work on cutting-edge engineering across hardware and software, the statement added. The facility was inaugurated by Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha and Bob Swan, CFO and interim CEO of Intel Corporation. "This year Intel celebrated its 50th anniversary, marking a half-century of innovation that has profoundly changed the world...Intel India has grown tremendously over the past 20 years to become a strategic site and a key growth engine for Intel as it transforms to a data-centric company," Swan said. The inauguration of the new
The government is really pushing for a lot of data localisation
Intel India has collaborated with 40 academic institutions that are using the technology for scientific research
Intel said it would build a state-of-the-art design house in Bengaluru spread over 44 acres
Interview with General manager, Intel India
At a time, when global technology giants are making a beeline to contribute towards the Digital India initiative
The company said it would work with state governments that are active on the Digital India programme