A sprawling disinformation network originating in Russia sought to use hundreds of fake social media accounts and dozens of sham news websites to spread Kremlin talking points about the invasion of Ukraine, Meta revealed Tuesday. The company, which owns Facebook and Instagram, said it identified and disabled the operation before it was able to gain a large audience. Nonetheless, Facebook said it was the largest and most complex Russian propaganda effort that it has found since the invasion began. The operation involved more than 60 websites created to mimic legitimate news sites including The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom and Germany's Der Spiegel. Instead of the actual news reported by those outlets, however, the fake sites contained links to Russian propaganda and disinformation about Ukraine. More than 1,600 fake Facebook accounts were used to spread the propaganda to audiences in Germany, Italy, France, the U.K. and Ukraine. The findings highlighted both the promis
Users will now also be able to create an account with their existing Facebook or Instagram login and use it to sign up for additional accounts and profiles
Several users took to Twitter to share updates and memes about the service disruption
Iranians saw their access to Instagram, one of the few Western social media platforms still available in the country, disrupted on Wednesday following days of mass protests over the death of a woman who was detained by the morality police. NetBlocks, a London-based group that monitors internet access, reported widespread disruptions. Witnesses inside Iran, who spoke on condition of anonymity out of security concerns, said they were unable to log on using mobile phones or home connections. There was no immediate comment from Iranian authorities on the disruption to Instagram, which would limit the ability of protesters to organize and share information. Iran already blocks Facebook, Telegram, Twitter and YouTube, even though top Iranian officials use public accounts on such platforms. Many Iranians get around the bans using virtual private networks, known as VPNs, and proxies. In a separate development, the website of Iran's Central Bank was briefly taken down on Wednesday as hacker
Sharma apprised Instagram and Facebook about this mistake and after finding it authentic, he was rewarded with Rs 3.8 mn for this work
Image-sharing platform says the intention is to strike balance between autonomy and safety for young people
Meta's request is "overbroad and abusive," Snap said in court filings
Meta-owned Instagram is struggling to woo creators as its short-video making Reels engagement falls against a formidable competition that is coming from its Chinese rival TikTok
Teenagers from underprivileged homes are more likely to report an addiction to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other social media, according to studies
TechCrunch has reported that Instagram confirmed tests of a 'reposts' feature, which will bring someone else's content onto your own timeline
Instagram users who want to repost posts occasionally do so using third-party apps because there isn't a direct way to do so right now
Quiet quitting is defined as performing only the jobs that are assigned to an employee by the employer and not going above and beyond the job description
Social media major Meta had taken action against 2.7 crore on Facebook and Instagram in July, the company said in its monthly transparency report on Wednesday. The company took action against 2.5 crore posts on Facebook and 20 lakh posts on Instagram to comply with Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. On Facebook, action against 1.73 crore spam content was taken. It was followed by 27 lakh post related to "adult nudity and sexual activity" and 23 lakh "violent and graphic content" related content. Meta on its own identified 9.98 lakh "Dangerous Organizations and Individuals: Terrorism" related content and finally it took action against 99.8 per cent of the posts that were identified. On Instagram, Meta found most of the content were in violation to its policy on "suicide and self injury" content followed by "adult nudity and sexual activity" and "violent and graphic content" related post, according to the report. The company .
Facebook and Instagram removed 2.7 crore posts in India in July 2022. Why these posts were deleted? What do netizens feel about meta? Read this article to know everything
Instagram Candid Challenges: Will meta-owned Instagram externally test the 'Candid Challenges' feature? What is this feature and how can we use it? Read this to know more
Meta on Tuesday said that it is testing two new ways to help users control what they see on Instagram
Instagram's CEO Adam Mosseri and its social media team have refuted claims that their app is tracking location data and sharing it with followers looking for your exact location.
Instagram only lets users see some content deemed sensitive, while the 'Less' option tightens the restrictions even further, and the 'More' option allows users to see more sensitive content
In addition, Instagram said it is testing a new way to encourage teens to update their safety and privacy settings
Among the ones who commented was his father, SRK, who wrote, "Why I don't have these pictures!!!!!! Give them to me NOW!"