Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Tuesday said that three departments of his government are taking measures to reduce road accidents, which are on the rise since last one month
A total of 19,478 road accidents occurred in 2021 due to loss of control by the driver due to inappropriate speed, distraction or misjudging a curve, which claimed 9,150 lives and injured 19,077 people, according to a report released by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). The report titled 'Road accidents in India -- 2021', said the nature of accident or collision types at aggregate national-level data shows an increase in 2021 compared to 2020. India's star cricketer Rishabh Pant had a miraculous escape after his luxury car crashed into a road divider and caught fire after he dozed off at the wheel on the Delhi-Dehradun highway in the early hours of Friday. The 25-year-old suffered injuries on his head, back and feet but is in stable condition, Haridwar Senior Superintendent of Police Ajai Singh said. A total of 4,12,432 road accidents occurred in 2021, which claimed 1,53,972 lives while 3,84,448 people were injured. According to the report, hit from the back (2
Parents are dependent on their children at some stage of life and it would be inequitable to deny compensation to those who lost their ward in a road accident, the Delhi High Court has said
British police are yet to release details of those killed in the crash