IIT-Bombay's mineral & mining engineering and Delhi University's Development Studies are the top-ranked programmes from India
The latest ONS figures reveal a broader post-Brexit trend of rising migration from outside the European Union (EU)
China, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Japan send maximum students to the US top colleges
"Indian students are looking for a great education and the United States offers the best return on this investment," Phillips said
We have a large number of students entering colleges with inadequate learning in schools.
The visa will allow eligible students to work, or crucially look for work, in any career or position of their choice, for two years after completing their studies
The UK Parliamentary body also takes note of India's exemption from a recently expanded list of nationalities considered as low-risk for the purpose of simplified student visa applications
Investors estimate the market value of global students in the UK and the US at $80 billion a year