RBI to fine Rs 5 lakh per instance of lapse. Given that millions of bank customers use the auto-debit facility, banks were staring at hundreds of crores in fines
Lenders depending on personal loans rather than industrial credit
Evolving conditions would lead to adjustment in markets
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
With the Supreme Court vacating the one-year breather on the filing of insolvency proceedings, it's back to the grind on the bad-loans front
As it prepares to bring to a close the most difficult year in history, the banking industry is gearing up to tackle a fresh bout of bad loans
No interest on interest on moratorium loans
AT1 bonds may lose sheen but Sebi takes the right call
SC judgment will end uncertainty in the banking system
Move result of change in pecking order post-mergers
Here is look at outstanding AT1 bonds of select banks and amount for call option in due in FY22
Yields of perpetual bonds issued by State Bank of India and Bank of Baroda, for instance, have gone up by as much as 80-90 basis points (bps), and top recommendation lists of most managers
The merger was complicated by the fact that the government had not allowed post-merger lay-offs for any of the banks under this process
Don't go by the lowest advertised home loan rates; find out what you are eligible for
Max Bupa Health Insurance is as a joint venture between private equity group True North and Bupa.
If it continues, wary of borrowers' opportunism and distorted credit discipline, banks may not come forward to lend even if we shout ourselves hoarse over their risk averseness
Indian Overseas Bank, Central Bank of India and UCO Bank are currently under this framework that puts several restrictions on them, including on lending, management compensation and directors' fees
Banks must invest in improving customer interface
SBI will conduct e-auctions of 12 bad accounts this month to recover dues of over Rs 506 crore under sale to asset reconstruction company (ARC) mechanism
The government must test the efficacy of privatising two banks first before going the whole hog