The event managers and organisers are incurring huge losses as most of the wedding events were scheduled to be organised during the summer season
The situation demands side-pocketing of the provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, urgent clearance of goods and services tax dues to the states
The worst-case scenario, assumes that coronavirus (Covid-19) will continue to spread, possibly in waves, all the way through to mid-2021
New Delhi effectively closed on Saturday the "automatic route" of investing for Chinese firms and individuals.
Trade deficit narrowed to $9.76 billion in march this year from $11 billion in the same month last year.
The country will still be the fastest growing large economy this financial year, but it will lose that tag next year to China, says the agency.
There may be no official word yet on how the Centre's tax revenue assumptions for the current year have gone awry
According to Fitch Ratings, India may post in 2020-21 a GDP growth of 2%, the slowest since the economy was liberalised 30 years back.
Handing over control to bureaucrats in the 1960s strangled the Indian economy. The error must not be repeated, writes TCA Srinivasa-Raghavan.
There is a higher than usual degree of uncertainty around the forecasts, admits Moody's Investor Services
For an investor through the systematic investment plan route, timing does not matter so much
The fall in oil prices comes at a time when the global economy is already reeling under the impact of coronavirus, which has dented demand across sectors and economies
The data and the feel after six years under PM Modi prove a strong leader doesn't necessarily give us decisive economic leadership unmindful of immediate political risks
With limited monetary policy space, India-Ratings and Research believes the Reserve Bank of India will continue to focus on monetary transmission through long-term repo operation/operation twist
GDP growth was registered at 5.6 per cent in the corresponding quarter of 2018-19, as per data released by the NSO
He noted that since about 2003, India has been growing at an average rate of about 7% and the first five years of the Modi government was characterised by 7.5% growth on an average
In the wake of the virus outbreak, many airlines, including Indian carriers, have cancelled some overseas flights
The Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India signed a Monetary Policy Framework Agreement on February 20, 2015
The math of index inclusion flows depends mainly on the global fixed income benchmarks that could consider India eligible for inclusion; and, the scale/mode of issuance of the new "special securities"
US President Donald Trump is expected to visit India in February, raising hopes that he will give New Delhi some leeway on trade.