India's domestic passenger traffic rose 11.06 per cent to 116 lakh in November over the year-ago period, according to the latest data from aviation regulator DGCA. In November 2021, the air passenger traffic stood at 105.16 lakh. The data showed that domestic carriers carried 116.79 lakh passengers in November, higher than 114.07 lakh recorded in October. After being severely hit by the coronavirus pandemic, the country's civil aviation sector is on the recovery path and in recent days, daily domestic air traffic on an average is more than 4 lakh. In November, no-frills carrier IndiGo carried more than half (55.7 per cent) of the total domestic traffic at 65.01 lakh passengers, followed by Vistara at 9.3 per cent. The latter carried 10.87 lakh passengers. Air India's market share in November touched 9.1 per cent, followed by AirAsia India (7.6 per cent), Go First and SpiceJet (both at 7.5 per cent). Air India along with Vistara and AirAsia, which are now part of the same group, f
Vehicle registrations and power generation is higher than before
The air traffic volume is expected to increase to the fiscal 2020 level of around 340 million passengers in FY23
Better aviation traffic in seven days to Oct 2, freight numbers improve
There were around 314,000 air passengers as of Sunday, September 4, based on a rolling seven-day average. It was around 331,000 as of Sunday, August 28
Boeing said on Thursday that India has on average 23 million people travelling using trains daily and even if one per cent of them shift to the aviation market, the air traffic will double
Of the total 12 mn passengers flown by the domestic carriers in May 2022, market leader IndiGo transported around 7 mn with 57.9% market share
On Sunday, 407,975 domestic passengers were ferried on 2,838 flights
This is the highest single day passenger traffic since resumption of air travel in May 2020
Fewer passengers on flights, vehicle registrations lag 2019 by a wider margin than before
On a sequential basis, the growth in December was recorded at 5-6 per cent over November 2021
Demand continues to be subdued from the corporate traveller segment, says ICRA vice-president
Private airport operators are expected to spend around Rs 42,000 crore on capacity expansion over the five years through fiscal 2026 as they are confident of air traffic growth in the long term
The minister cited the International Air Transport Association (IATA) figures and said the aviation sector could be facing losses in the tune to $63 billion to $113 billion.
The passenger load factors of all major airlines - Air India, SpiceJet, GoAir, IndiGo, AirAsia India and Vistara - declined in December 2019 as compared to November last year, as per the DGCA data.
The IATA represents some 290 airlines comprising 82 per cent of the global air traffic.
Cargo traffic growth also moderated in the year to 6%, as against double-digits growth witnessed over the past two years
Mumbai ranked fifth in passenger growth rate behind Barcelona
The sector would require greater participation from the private players
Domestic revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) growth is at second position among major markets