India is one of the top sources of skilled immigrants to Australia. Approximately 90,000 students are studying in Australian universities
In fiscal year 2019, Indian nationals received 9,008 category 1 (EB1), 2,908 category 2 (EB2), and 5,083 category 3 (EB3) Green Cards. EB1-3 are different categories of employment-based Green Cards
Contradictory moves won't help the cause of workers
India should start preparing for such eventuality now
Amid the ongoing pandemic, unemployment claims in the US have risen exponentially
Through contact tracing, the team was able to track nearly 98% of all primary and secondary contacts, who have been advised home- or hospital-isolation, district collector PB Nooh told IndiaSpend
Women's groups have warned, women will suffer disproportionately
Legal setback for Trump as US judge rejects policy of expanded deportation
Seven US citizens and a nonprofit organization filed the federal lawsuit Wednesday contending the rule would block nearly two-thirds of all prospective legal immigrants
The deeper analysis of why immigration policy is so hard to fix deserves close attention
The impact of clearly changing weather patterns because of a warmer planet is happening in our face
The employer also "benched" that worker, a term used to describe when an employer fails to pay an H-1B employee when work is slow, for example
individuals who arrive without proper documentation will remain in Mexico for the duration of their immigration proceedings under this policy
Detentions of groups of immigrants continue to be made at the Arizona-Mexico border
Both Australian and New Zealand customs officers are legally allowed to search not only your personal baggage, but also the contents of your smartphone, tablet or laptop
Nearly 20 per cent of the detainees at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Adelanto processing center are Indians
Britain's immigration officials have detained 38 Indians, including nine women
The plan to intensify deportations is in line with a vow made frequently by President Donald Trump
Pew Research data show Indian migrants send home more remmitances than those from other countries
Immigration agents are told to deport anyone they see fit who is living in US without documentation