The threat of political missteps is looming over the global economy amid a backlash against free trade that has fueled the rise of populist governments around the world
The concern is how China is expanding its global footprint, often entangling resource-rich but poor nations, by multi-million dollar loans that can be never repaid
Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the IMF, said that there continues to be a high stock of Non-performing Assets in India.
Officials say bad debt recovery process should not be hindered. Also, growth should be more inclusive
Cash-strapped Pakistan is negotiating a $ 8 billion bailout package from the IMF to overcome a severe balance-of-payments crisis that threatens to cripple the country's economy
A recent meeting between the IMF and Pakistan ended in a stalemate
On average, the world's debt now exceeds $ 86,000 per person more than 2 times the average income per-capita
IMF's Chief Economist Maurice Obstfeld said the International Monetary Fund does not want politicians "manipulating" central banks for political ends
Raising the retirement age and scrapping regressive taxes such as deducting the interest on mortgages can help richer governments address income inequality without straining their pocketbooks, IMF staff said in a paper on Thursday.
As talks enter the final phase, the IMF set stricter conditions for Pakistan to implement in exchange for a bailout package much needed for economic revival
Calls to fix global trading rules are tellingly coming not just from the Trump administration. IMF managing director Christine Lagarde this week laid out what needed to be done
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said he will oppose any use of IMF funding to repay loans to Beijing
Debt in advanced economies, since the global financial crisis, has increased quite substantially while the private sector has been very gradually leveraging
Echoes RBI on exchange rate intervention, but differs on rate tightening
Lagarde said there are signs that global growth has plateaued
The History of Reserve Bank of India (Vol 3) has called it 'The Defining Event'
In the last few years, very little has been done to improve governance, whether at the board level or top management
The IMF warned the expansion could be derailed if countries resort to tit-for-tat trade sanctions
China is expected to grow respectively at 6.6% and 6.4% in the two years
The IMF must design programmes with the right policy reforms, the US treasury secretary said