According to IAMAI's 'Digital in India' report, India had 504 million active Internet users, who logged onto the web at least once in the last one month, at the end of November 2019
Global market for chargers in 2025 is estimated to be $10 billion (about Rs 76,000 crore), with smart chargers comprising around 70 per cent of the market
The non banking entities are capable of doing minimum know your customer (KYC) for merchant transactions successfully without face- to- face physical interaction with the customer only
At present, telecom companies are free to decide on call and data rates but due to stiff competition they have sought regulatory intervention
Responding to a question on data protection legislation movement that was taking time, Prasad said time must be given for parliamentary deliberations and added that "what comes out, will be good".
The opportunity cost of starting a component manufacturing facility is the loss of revenue of around 5-9 months in the best case scenario and at worst, almost 2 years, the report said
The IAMAI counts technology majors like Google, Facebook, and Apple as members as well as health tech firms such as Netmeds, Practo, 1mg, and mfine
The growth in user base is faster in rural parts of the country