By late Monday evening and early Tuesday, the storm is expected to move "dangerously close" to the Florida shoreline, the hurricane center reported
Authorities ordered more than a million people evacuated in Florida, South Carolina and Georgia
US President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency for Louisiana on Friday, freeing up federal disaster assistance if needed
Already at least 18 deaths in four states have been blamed on the hurricane
President Donald Trump issued an emergency declaration for the state, freeing up federal funds for relief operations and providing the assistance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
The US has spent some $9 billion to rebuild beaches since 1923, a Western Carolina University database shows
Mandatory evacuations were ordered in six coastal counties in Georgia that are home to some 520,000 people.
An advisory issued late Sunday says Orlene is rapidly strengthening and is expected to become a hurricane by late Monday
Torrential rains that began Saturday morning caused 33 landslides on highways in Guerrero
The storm was not an immediate threat to land and was expected to remain at its current strength for the next 47 hours