State-owned HLL Lifecare Limited has paid a dividend of Rs 122.47 crore to the health ministry for financial year 2021-22, an official statement said. The cheque was presented to Union Minister of Health Mansukh Mandaviya by Beji George, Chairman and Managing Director, HLL at an event here on Wednesday. HLL had a record turnover of Rs 35,668 crore and a profit before tax of Rs 551.81 crore in financial year 202122. Mandaviya said the company played an important role in the procurement and distribution of emergency medical supplies during the pandemic, supporting the Union Health Ministry in managing COVID-19. "As a nodal agency for procurement and supply of emergency medical items for COVID -19 pandemic management, it has enabled real time management of the crisis," Mandaviya added. He further noted that though PSUs were established with great vision, their performance has not always been satisfactory, the health ministry statement said. Expressing concern over sustainability of
Bidding deadline extended for eighth time since January
Trivandrum-based HLL Lifecare has floated global tender for medical oxygen
Bengaluru-based Bharat Electronic Limited (BEL) has begun manufacturing 30,000 ventilators for intensive care units across the country
HLL Lifecare will have a 50 per cent shareholding in the project