Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Tuesday said the government will take appropriate action against officials involved in the alleged illegal appointment in the Education department. Responding to a question by senior Congress member Ninong Ering on appointment of teachers and other posts in the department without conducting any interview, Khandu asserted that all such appointment would be cancelled if proved. He said the Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board (APSSB), was created to check corrupt practices in recruitment process. Raising the question Ering asked the government as to why the APSSB was not informed about such appointments and want to know the total number of teachers and multi-tasking staff (MTS) appointed without interview by the department. Education Minister Taba Tedir while denying such appointments informed the House that the department on complaint from Ering had initiated a departmental enquiry, report of which would be available .
Freshers hiring likely to double as compared to last year
The pandemic hit few sectors harder than air travel, wiping out tens of thousands of jobs. IndiGo had slashed its workforce by 10 per cent last year in view of travel disruptions
The report indicates that job postings in some industries have improved, with some doing even better than the pre-Covid levels when compared to January 2020
The fintech firm announced work from home as a permanent feature in the days ahead. The recent hiring cycle saw new hires from Tier II and III towns such as Krishnagiri, Kolar, Dehradun and Sitapur
The phase I and phase II online examinations will be held on January 17 and February 27, 2021 respectively, for the recruitment of 147 officers at Sebi
More than 20 selections for international profiles have been confirmed up to now
Business Standard brings you top news of the evening
EY in India has over 50,000 people working in all member firms including global delivery centers
The company has added 427,300 employees in 10 months, bringing its global work force to more than 1.2 million
Auto sector, which is likely to hit most if the bill becomes law, is planning to move the state govt via industry bodies like CII
Covid-19 pandemic impacts hiring, with more resilient sectors reporting strong sentiment even as others appear to have reduced appointments
Covid-19 has caused 78% of small businesses in India to reduce their workforce in the last 8 months, according to the LocalCircles survey
Driven by industries like pharma, fast-moving consumer goods, education and IT, hiring activity in India saw a growth of 24% in September compared to the previous month
Amazon India had commissioned Nielsen to conduct a study to gauge expectations of SMBs (small and medium businesses) sellers on Amazon from the upcoming festive season
Amazon on Monday said it will be hiring another 100,000 people to keep up with a surge of online orders
According to data RIL collates on its website, the company's number of employees in FY20 at a standalone level declined 9 per cent year-on-year
The Labour Department said Wednesday that the number of US job postings on the last day of July rose to 6.6 million from 6 million at the end of June
About 1,263 job postings in July marks an improvement of 5 per cent in hiring activities compared to 1,208 in June, as per the Index
In the June quarter, the Fairfax-backed company, which derives close to 80 per cent of its revenues from general staffing business, had witnessed a 13 per cent dip in headcount over Q1