Clinton's remarks were equal parts pep talk and funeral dirge
The former Secretary of State said appearing in public was not the easiest thing for her
Clinton said her campaign was winning until FBI Director James Comey wrote a letter about reopening the investigation
Hillary, in her post-election speech, addressed the progress that has been made during her campaign as it relates to womankind
Earlier, Trump did mention of Hillary congratulating him over a phone call in his speech
The FBI vindicated US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, after determining a new batch of emails linked to her private email server
Donald Trump's stance on foreign policy, trade and immigration are seen as less predictable by financial markets
With the election coming to its merciful end, Clinton and Trump have made a last-minute dash to key swing states
We were always confident nothing would cause the July decision to be revisited, tweeted Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon
Clinton's campaign chairman Podesta slammed Donald Trump for his allegations of a rigged system
Most notably, back 23 generations, she counts as a relative king Louis X le Hutin, known as "Louis the Stubborn" in English
The latest 'Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll' found that 44% of the likely voters support 69-year-old Clinton
52% US voters think that US media is biased in favour of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, says a Gallup poll
In the Oct 30-Nov 3 opinion poll, 44% of likely voters supported Clinton while 39% supported Trump
Statement came after Julian Assange says in an interview that the foundation received money from ISIS funders
Sanders has been campaigning for Clinton after facing defeat in the primaries this summer
In an interview with John Pilger for RT, WikiLeaks founder also says that Trump 'will not be allowed to win'
Clinton's campaign took a hit after news of the FBI retrieving fresh e-mails from her server surfaced last week
If elected as the next US President, Clinton said she would make efforts to revive the economy and improve diplomatic ties
After the touted US Presidential television debates, the candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump can now be seen endorsing by many of celebrity supporters