In absolute numbers, over 83 per cent of claims have been settled, while in value terms, just 51.38 per cent of claims have been closed
Avoid over 5% exposure and have 5-7 years of investment horizon
Here is how the health insurance premium rates offered by various companies stack up
Insurance plan launched two years ago to help over 107 million people hasn't improved access to health care, say Duke University researchers.
The elderly should try to enroll for the group cover provided by their child's employer
The industry has outperformed its global peers, but mostly by exiting the bottom of the pyramid
Here is how the health insurance policy premium rates offered by various firms stack up
Order follows a Delhi HC directive to the insurance regulator on this issue
Irdai Chairman Subhash Chandra Khuntia talks to Subrata Panda on a range of subjects including shareholding of banks in insurance firms
Covid plans were in huge demand last year but have since petered out
State-owned insurer said it procured 2.1 crore policies in FY21, out of which 46.72 lakh were in March
OPD covers compensate for counselling sessions, but these always have a sub-limit
In a health emergency, speed of disbursement is more important than cost
This is a time to focus not on maximising upside gains but curtailing downside risks
Supplement a policy with a substantial emergency corpus
This indicates a sharp increase in awareness and demand for high cover protection policies
Here's how the health insurance premium rates offered by various companies stack up
Rajasthan will roll out its ambitious universal health insurance coverage scheme on May 1, the registration process for which will start from April 1, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said on Saturday.
The regulator's two Covid standard products - Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak - have covered more than 4.7 million lives
Earlier, insurance companies were allowed to offer these policies till March 31, 2021