Seven in 10 Indian adults believed that remote work has made it much easier for hackers and cybercriminals to take advantage of them, a new report revealed on Monday
The disclosure is the realization of worries that have been coursing through the security community for days
A small group of hackers viewed live and archived surveillance footage from hundreds of businesses including Tesla Inc by gaining administrative access to camera maker Verkada over the past two days
The rapidly escalating attack came months after the SolarWinds Corp. breaches by suspected Russian cyberattackers
The rapidly escalating attack drew the concern of U.S. national security officials, in part because the hackers were able to hit so many victims so quickly.
A highly sophisticated hacker targeted owners of Android and Windows devices in the first quarter of 2020, carrying out hacking via "watering hole" attacks, Google has revealed.
Dutch cybersecurity researchers have discovered backdoor account in 100,000 networking devices manufactured by Zyxel, that can grant hackers access to those vulnerable devices and put data at risk
Microsoft said in a blog post that hackers tied to a massive intrusion of dozens of US government agencies and private companies snuck farther into its systems than previously thought
Russian cryptocurrency exchange Livecoin has announced it was hacked and lost control of some of its servers, as cybercriminals modified exchange rates to 10-15 times their normal values
US President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday said the recent massive cyberattack on US companies and federal agencies represents a grave threat to national security and was well planned and carried out
Microsoft announced legal action seeking to disrupt a major cybercrime digital network that uses more than 1 million zombie computers to loot bank accounts and spread ransomware
Much of hybrid warfare is deniable. If a hacker takes down a public asset, it is hard to prove he was acting on behalf of a foreign government
Microsoft said that it has spotted multiple cyberattacks from Russia, China and Iran on individuals and organisations involved in the ongoing presidential campaigns in the United States
Hackers disguised as HR are sending lay-off emails to employees amid the pandemic, pushing malware into devices, accessing data and entering networks of organisations once attachments are clicked open
This attack relied on a significant and concerted attempt to mislead certain employees and exploit human vulnerabilities to gain access to our internal systems, the company tweeted
Accounts of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos hijacked to solicit digital currency
Twitter prevents at least some verified accounts from publishing messages after 'worst hack of a major social media platform'.
Group known as 'Keeper' stole information from Mumbai-based online jewellery store that was allegedly compromised in February.
While the private investigators pleaded guilty to conspiring to hack into computers, Gupta and two others continued to face charges of conspiracy as of July 2015
Adult content, just as is the case with other types of entertainment, remains one of the most prominent ways malefactors try to infect devices