Long-term structural reforms are required, such as a uniform GST and direct tax rates
While debt is an important source of funds for the Indian economy, investors - especially foreign investors - have to navigate through various complexities associated with taxation of debt investment
Anemic condition, or slowing down factors of different nature, continue to prevail in all major economies
Tax receipts are expected to fall by Rs 2.5 trillion which may also be caused by the corporation tax and GST rate cuts
India's massive infrastructure build-out targets need an all-hands-on-deck effort
Three years of slowing growth hold two important lessons for the Budget
India, Indonesia and South Korea are among the countries with the highest share of people who wish to continue working after the retirement
According to Nielsen's estimates, India's Rs 4 trillion FMCG market is expected to grow by 10% in calendar year 2020 (CY20)
With destocking over, growth is stabilising but its revival faces several pro-cyclical headwinds
The textiles and apparel industry contributes 2.3 per cent to India's GDP and accounts for 13 per cent of industrial production, and 12 per cent of the country's export earnings
Our institutional capacity to support trend growth has not stayed the pace
Though non-tax revenues, including borrowings, account for 40% of the Budget, there seems to be little focus on boosting these or reducing borrowings by saving on expenditure, writes T N Ninan
Since the scope of supporting growth through fiscal and monetary policy is fairly limited, economic revival will ultimately depend on policy reforms
Maintain balance between growth and financial stability
In the case of Gross Domestic Product, the report noted that the revised estimates for the kharif season suggest that the production of important crops is likely to fall short of target for FY20
India needs to figure out whether it pays to be rule-takers or seek to be rule-setters. Or, do we have an answer to China's strategic challenge? If not, what are our options, wonders T N Ninan
The ability to maintain this inherently unstable equilibrium remains the key to the prospects of advanced economies
To overcome, FMCG makers have introduced low unit price packs in multiple categories to make their products affordable and have also introduced multiple promotions and offers
Rs 24.54 trillion investment will flow in the energy sector, and of that Rs 11.7 trillion would be in just the power sector
FMCG suffered on two counts -- poor consumer sentiment brought on by macroeconomic headwinds and the continuing liquidity crisis arising out of faltering NBFCs