Other indicators such as power generation and visits pharmacy stores also point to increased activity, though the overall picture suggests a return normalcy is still in process
Business Standard's own calculations suggest that the Centre's fiscal impact amounts to around Rs 2.28 trillion, or around 1.2 per cent of GDP.
Green shoots can barely hide the economic pain
The surplus should not be a cause for any celebration
The fiscal conservatism of the finance ministry means growth revival will take longer and may not be seen till late in the next fiscal year or even later
The economists said they expect global GDP growth will trough at -8.6 per cent year on year in the second quarter
India must walk the talk on deep structural reforms
In the concluding part, the author lays down the fiscal arithmetic for an illustrative UBI supplement in India
India's GDP is unlikely to recover to its 2019-20 level until the second half of 2021-22
Shrinking domestic demand offers the industry the chance to become globally competitive
Six iterations of annual data over a three-year period raise serious questions about the reliability of national income data as a basis for sound policymaking
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces of the day
It would be a major miracle if the economy does not contract this year
Enhancing the investment and turnover limits for MSMEs was overdue, but the smaller units will have serious reservations
Big bang reforms have been the norm under Modi government, writes Sanju Verma
The Covid crisis makes "data driven" projections inaccurate, as the past provides zero guidance for the future.
From India's first non-agri-driven recession, to Parliament missing in action, and why study suggests blood cancer patients usually survive Covid-19 - read these and more in today's India dispatch
Growth in govt spending is leading to fiscal stress, crowding out
The Union government's tax buoyancy has never been very high
Will the strategy of society instead of the State controlling the virus be tested by rising deaths?