The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) reported 36 per cent rise in civil cases to 2,813 and 86 per cent increase in criminal cases to 18,550, it said in a statement
A full page advertisement by McDonald's in newspapers had said, "Stuck with Ghiya-Tori Again? Make the 1+1 Combo you love".
It also proposes a penalty of up to Rs 1 crore on the manufacturers or importers for faulty medical devices having adverse impacts on patients.
In June this year, FSSAI CEO Pawan Kumar Agarwal had announced that the regulator has proposed banning advertisements of unhealthy food in and around school.
More than adulteration, contamination was a serious problem as substances such as Aflatoxin-M1, antibiotics and pesticides were found more in the processed milk samples
North Indian price still being arrived at; Board is also working on e-auction reforms based on IIM Bangalore recommendations
Companies are now proposing a two-color labelling, instead of the proposed tricolour method
In March 2015, the Delhi High Court had directed the food regulator to come out with regulations to promote healthy food for school children
The order had to be issued because the food business operators were using the term 'wheat flour' as English nomenclature
The new standards effective from January 1 are for all varieties of pulses, whole and decorticated pearl millet grains
The statement also said tolerance limit of antibiotics and pharmacology active substances would come into effect on January 1, 2019
This is part of a special drive by the regulator to bring in all food businesses under the FSSAI licensing regime
Food safety regulator FSSAI said in a statement that there is unprecedented increase in the demand for animal proteins, not only in India but globally as well
On the cards: Field forces comprising hundreds of personnel, 4 national food labs along with regional offices
The expert panel will be headed by B Sesikeran, former director of National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) as also the current director Hemalatha, besides doctor Nikhil Tandon
Nutraceuticals sector is growing fast and will grow faster in the coming years
There were several complaints of sub-standard food being delivered to consumers through online market aggregators
By 2025, Indians are expected to eat processed food valued at Rs 72 trillion annually, while the revenues of the processed food industry forecast to touch Rs 60 trillion
Food regulator is in the process of withdrawing all old cases against food companies
According to FSSAI, food recalls are essential to remove or correct marketed food products