FMCG major Nestle India Ltd on Thursday reported a 1.25 per cent decline in its net profit to Rs 594.71 crore for the first quarter ended March 2022. The company, which follows January-December financial year, had posted a profit of Rs 602.25 crore in the same period a year ago, Nestle said in a BSE filing. However, Nestle India's net sales increased 9.74 per cent to Rs 3,950.90 crore during the quarter against Rs 3,600.20 crore in the corresponding period last fiscal, the company added. Its total expenses in the January-March quarter rose 12.98 per cent to Rs 3,195.90 crore compared to Rs 2,828.61 crore a year ago. Nestle India's domestic sales surged 10.23 per cent to Rs 3,794.26 crore from Rs 3,442.03 crore in the January-March quarter of 2021. Its exports were marginally down by 0.96 per cent at Rs 156.64 crore against Rs 158.17 crore in the year-ago quarter. Shares of Nestle India Ltd were trading at Rs 18,089.60 apiece on BSE in the mid-session, up 1.22 per cent from its ..
Nestle group sales reached 22.2 billion Swiss francs, versus a 21.7-billion-franc estimate in the poll.
All the 100 vehicles would be inducted within the next 12 months across the nation, Dabur India Ltd CEO Mohit Malhotra said in a statement
Volumes to remain under pressure as rural demand continues to be weak
Nestle has already made the switch; Dabur, Amul, Parle weigh options
We are, however, seeing an immediate slowdown in sales at urban areas as rural consumers buy smaller packs more frequently: Bizom
Given volatility, choose stocks within IT, FMCG, health care space, say experts
FMCG maker Procter & Gamble India on Tuesday said it will extend all company-offered financial and medical benefits to the partners of its LGBTQ+ employees. Earlier these benefits were available to spouses of married employees and will now be extended to the partners of LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer+) employees as well, Procter & Gamble India said in a statement. From April 1, 2022, partners of LGBTQ+ employees would be covered under the company's medical plan that provides hospitalisation coverage to staff and their dependents, it added. Besides, LGBTQ+ employees can avail emergency financial assistance for their partners, said P&G India which operates here with a portfolio of power brands that include Ariel, Tide, Whisper, Gillette, Oral B, head & shoulders and Vicks. P&G India provides emergency financial assistance to its employees and their partners in case of natural calamity, death of an immediate family member or hospitalisation of ..
Smaller contribution of 20-25% from rural sales helped; net profit down 20% due to exceptional item
Rather than list or seek a private sale, the US investor is opting to recapitalise Mileway, Europe's largest owner of last-mile logistics
FMCG major Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL) is expecting volume growth to recover gradually next fiscal along with improvement in margins, coming out from the consumption slowdown and inflationary pressures, according to company Managing Director & CEO Sudhir Sitapati. The company will continue to focus on three existing categories - Household Insecticides, Air Care and Hair Colours - in both domestic as well as international markets for growth, as it believes there is "plenty of opportunities" in these areas. The Godrej group FMCG arm expects to have a "low volume growth and gradual improvement in EBITDA" for the ongoing January-March and coming April-June quarters. "As next year progresses, I expect volume growth to gradually recover but the EBITDA journey and the margin journey to go up continuously. I expect after two quarters or so, volumes will go up and margins will be a steady story going up," Sitapati told PTI. Terming the current situation in the market as ...
Coca-Cola India is expanding its network in rural areas, which nearly contribute 38 per cent to the overall business
Volumes were also under pressure as consumers cut back spending on high inflation
Revenue from operations was up at Rs 971.85 crore during the quarter under review as against Rs 933.61 crore in the year-ago period
The company had posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 493.50 crore in the October-December quarter a year ago, Dabur India said in a BSE filing
FMCG major Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd on Thursday reported an increase of 1.6 per cent in its net profit to Rs 252.33 crore for the third quarter ended December 2021. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 248.36 crore in the corresponding quarter of the last financial year, Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd (CPIL) said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from operations during October-December 2021 increased 3.84 per cent to Rs 1,271.29 crore, against Rs 1,224.21 crore in the year-ago period. Total expenses stood at Rs 945 crore in the December 2021 quarter, a rise of 3.98 per cent as compared with Rs 908.77 crore a year ago. CPIL Managing Director Ram Raghavan said, "Despite the macro challenges, our growth remains strong, consistent and driving the right balance between volume and revenue growth. Brand penetration strengthening reflects continued consumer trust in our brands. We continue with our strong innovation pipeline with new initiatives launched this quarter." Shares of ...
FMCG major Adani Wilmar has set aside Rs 450 crore from the share sale that opens later this week, to tap more acquisition-led growth opportunities primarily in its non-edible oils business.
Shares of Hindustan Unilever Ltd defied the muted broader market trend and surged as much as 3 per cent on Friday after the FMCG major reported strong December quarter earnings. On BSE, the stock opened at Rs 2,282.00, then jumped 3.15 per cent and touched an intra-day high of Rs 2,333.05 during the session. It finally settled at Rs 2,322.20, up 2.68 per cent. On NSE, the stock opened at Rs 2,264.80, then gained further ground during the day and finally ended the day at Rs 2,330, registering a gain of 3.02 per cent over its last close. On Thursday, Hindustan Unilever Ltd reported an 18.68 per cent increase in consolidated net profit to Rs 2,300 crore for the third quarter ended December 2021. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 1,938 crore in the October-December period of the previous fiscal. "HUL delivered a resilient performance both on revenue and margins front despite the headwinds to rural demand and persistent material cost inflation. "While volume growth looks soft a
Data from retail intelligence platform Bizom also shows that retailers are stocking-up more than normal
Distributors likely to take a decision on Tuesday