CGPSC Prelims Exam was held on February 9, 2020. On the basis of performance, CGPSC has shortlisted 3,617 candidates for the main examination
AP Inter Results 2020: About 480,000 students appeared for Class 11 and almost the same number appear for Class 12
Gujarat Board, GSEB has release the GSEB SSC result 2020
Gujarat Board, GSEB was expected to release the GSEB SSC result 2020 May, but now it will be declared Tuesday at 8 am
Hours after confirming that HBSE 10th class result would be announced on June 8, the Haryana School Education Board postponed the declaration date
Assam HSLC Result 2020 has been declared on Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA)'s official website: Here's a guide to check your marks
The results will be available on the official website -
PSEB result 2020: For students who have been promoted without conducting exams, the mark sheets will have 'promoted due to coronavirus' written on them
Gujarat Board, GSEB was expected to release the GSEB SSC result 2020 today, but media reports suggest a delay
Maharashtra state board result 2020: MSBSHSE has decided to cancel SSC Geography exam and give average marks to students on the subject
Bihar 10th result 2020: Bihar Board students will also be able to check their Matric results on websites such as, and
Results of BSEB Class 10 examination 2020 was scheduled to be declared on Wednesday but it got delayed due to some last-minute issues
Bihar 10th students will also be able to check their Matric results on third-party websites such as and
Bihar 10th students will also be able to check their Matric results on third-party websites such as and
Bihar Board 12th result 2020 has been declared on Check details for BSEB toppers' lists, pass percentage read Business Standard
BSMEB Fauquania result 2020 is available on the official website Here are steps to download marks
VMOU RSCIT result 2020: The written exam was conducted on January 19, 2020
According to an official notification, the JKBOSE 11th Result 2019 have been declared
Candidates who appeared for the UPTET 2020 examination can now check their result from the official website--
CA result: Candidates can check their ICAI CA result on the following websites:,,