Rising compliance with ethanol-spiked fuels in vehicle could be a win-win situation all round
According to the proposals, the companies will set up distilleries, breweries, microbrewery, malt and yeast manufacturing plants, etc.
India, the world's third biggest oil importing and consuming nation, achieved the target to blend 10 per cent sugarcane-extracted ethanol in petrol ahead of schedule, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said
The minister of state for petroleum and natural gas said work on meeting the target of 10 per cent ethanol blending in petrol was on track
Use of 10% ethanol-blended petrol has led to a saving of over Rs 41,000 cr in the foreign exchange for the country, minister of state for environment, forest and climate change Choubey said .
Flex fuel, or flexible fuel, is an alternative fuel made of a combination of gasoline and methanol or ethanol
The government will fast-track an ethanol program that will divert as much as 6 million tons of sugar toward fuel production annually by 2025, according to the food ministry
The policy, which could be a viable and long-term answer to the cyclicality in the sugar sector
OMCs had entered into contracts with sugar mills to procure 1.6 billion litres of ethanol during the last ethanol year.
This can be done only if India achieves the targeted 20 per cent ethanol mix in transportation fuel according to the scheduled timeline