Out of the total 17.08 lakh subscribers added during the month of April, around 9.23 lakh new members have come under the social security cover of EPF and MP Act, 1952, for the first time.
There is no deadline for filing e-nomination and it isn't mandatory for filing advance claims; but it speeds up online claim settlement by nominees
EPFO should first fix the basics
Retirement fund also invests in CPSE index, which has been a laggard among ETFs
Earlier on Saturday, the government approved 8.1% rate of interest on EPF deposits for 2021-22, which is an over four-decade low, for about 50 million subscribers of EPFO
The 8.1 per cent EPF rate of interest is the lowest since 1977-78, when it stood at 8 per cent.
The current EPF interest rate is 8.1%
The directive comes after observing gaps in the current IBC regime that deals with statutory claims
According to the statement, the month-on-month comparison of payroll data reflects a slight increase of 31,826 net subscriber addition in February, 2022 compared to January, 2022
The increase in the limit to Rs 21,000 under EPFO will bring more workers under the retirement scheme
The Central Bureau of Investigation's (CBI) anti-corruption branch in Nagpur and the EPFO's vigilance team from Mumbai started the searches on Tuesday morning in the EPFO offices
If EPF account is linked to PAN, 10% TDS rate will apply, else 20%
The scheme also offers better returns than other most other investment avenues
Every investment category but one has seen a drop in its share: it's a move that is not without some risk
The central board has proposed to slash the PF rate to 8.1 per cent for FY22 from 8.5 per cent in FY21 and FY20, the lowest in four decades
8.1% rate better than interest rate on small saving deposits, says FM in Rajya Sabha
Retirement fund body EPFO added 15.29 lakh subscribers on a net basis in January 2022, an increase of over 21 per cent compared to 12.60 lakh in December 2021, according to the latest payroll data. "The provisional payroll data of EPFO has been released today, i.e., 20th March 2022, which highlights that EPFO has added 15.29 lakh net subscribers during January 2022. Month-on-month comparison of payroll data also indicates an increase of 2.69 lakh net subscribers addition in January 2022, as compared to the net additions during the previous month of December 2021," a labour ministry statement said on Sunday. As per the data, 12.60 lakh net new members were added in December 2021. Of the total 15.29 lakh net subscribers added in January, around 8.64 lakh new members have been registered under the social security ambit of the EPF & MP Act, 1952, according to the statement. Approximately 6.65 lakh net subscribers exited the scheme but re-joined EPFO by continuing their membership with
The EPFO decides the rate of interest for the EPF scheme on a yearly basis. The rate of interest is dependent on the market conditions and is vetted by the finance ministry. Here's how to calculate it
EPFO has a surplus of around Rs 450 cr after paying at a rate of 8.1%. Employee representatives sought higher interest rates but the Central Board of Trustees settled for 8.1%