The panel has recommended that the EPFO should invest in Exchange Traded Funds for a long tenure of five years to ten years to get higher returns
Nearly a fourth of the net payroll in the formal sector comprises people who are switching between jobs, the latest data released by the EPFO showed
The payroll data has been revised downwards for each of the nine months between September 2017 and May this year
The Committee is convinced that a strong regulatory system should be in place for all PF trusts
If implemented, this will be a tremendous boost for the equity markets in India
If a new labour ministry policy gets the green light, you will have the flexibility to select an investment pattern for your PF kitty to maximise returns
The EPFO's apex decision-making body the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) at its 207th meeting held on March 31, 2015 decided to invest only in ETFs in the category of equity and related investments
EPFO registrations by definition suggest that these jobs ensure that workers save a part of their earnings for their retirement days
Returns from active funds fail to match benchmarks
'EPF is a long-term investment and ideally should not be touched until retirement,' says Arnav Pandya, a certified financial planner
At present, a subscriber can withdraw his or her funds after two months of unemployment and settle the account in one go
EPFO says the data is raw and though it is indicative of jobs to some extent, it does not give a clear explanation on creation of livelihoods
EPFO should let the subscribers decide how they want to invest and also allow the government to tax early withdrawals
In a Move to create 'social security cover', govt wager risky payoff, say experts
The EPFO decided to cut the administrative charges in view of its expanding business and high recovery of such fees
The labour ministry had sent the CBT's recommendation over the rate of interest to the finance ministry for its concurrence
The EPFO data must be subjected to a reality test, because other data sets have been saying quite different things; the task is to get to the reality on employment, not score propaganda points
According to the statement, the EPFO has so far been intimating its members by way of SMS on credit of their respective monthly contribution into their accounts
Earlier last year, the CBT had approved an accounting policy to credit ETFs into the members account apart from cash component
It approved a plan to create a reserve fund for its equity investments to shield subscribers from market volatility