Union Minister for Environment, Forest & Climate Change Bhupender Yadav on Sunday said all eight cheetahs in Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh were fine and adapting well to their new home. The eight were flown in from Namibia in southern Africa on September 17 as part of an ambitious species reintroduction project and they were released into their enclosures by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the same day. Yadav, who held a review meeting with researchers, scientists and forest officials in KNP during the day, tweeted, "Happy to note that all eight cheetahs are adapting well and the vision of PM Narendra Modi of turning an ecological wrong into ecological harmony is taking shape." The last cheetah died in India in Koriya district in present-day Chhattisgarh in 1947, and the species was declared extinct from the country in 1952.
The National Green Tribunal has recently sought a response from the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) and others while hearing a petition regarding the pollution caused by slaughterhouses. The petition claimed that slaughterhouses contributed immensely to pollution besides damaging the environment. It said whenever a new slaughterhouse was to be established, it was necessary to examine its impact on the environment according to the 2006 Environment Impact Assessment notification brought out to scrutinise all information about a project or activity and its potential adverse impacts on the ecology of a region. The petition argued that slaughterhouses and processing units must be brought within the ambit of the notification. A bench comprising judicial member Justice Sudhir Agarwal and expert member A Senthil Vel said it was a "substantial question" related to environment. "Let respondents No. 1 (MoEF&CC)...file their response, if any, within one
Environment Minister Bupender Yadav on Wednesday tabled the Wild Life (Protection) Bill in the Rajya Sabha that seeks to include a dedicated framework to regulate or ban international trade of endangered species as well as permit certain traditional activities of communities living around forest areas. The bill was cleared by the Lok Sabha in the monsoon session of Parliament. The minister said there were two main objectives of the bill which includes bringing the international treaty that India has signed into the legal framework. "Along with this, some level of protection to people living in forest area for their livestock and traditional rights was necessary till the time they are completely relocated," Yadav said. The bill seeks to amend the principal Act for better management of protected areas. It inserts an explanation to provide for certain permitted activities such as grazing or movement of livestock, bona fide use of drinking and household water by local communities. The
Case pertains to construction of Metro car shed on forest land in Aarey which adjoins Sanjay Gandhi National Park; next hearing likely in Feb 2023
Shacks are crucial to tourism and local businesses in Goa and Maharashtra and currently, they have to be removed in the monsoon months (June to August)
Agreement on financing one of the most significant steps in UN climate talks in 30 years
Smartphone companies and industry organisations have agreed to a phased rollout of a uniform charging port for all electronic devices, the Consumer Affairs Ministry said on Wednesday. A sub-group will be set up to examine the feasibility of uniform charging ports for wearables, it said. This was decided during a discussion in the meeting of the inter-ministerial task force chaired by Consumer affairs secretary Rohit Kumar Singh here. The representatives of industry associations such as MAIT, FICCI, CII, educational institutions, including IIT Kanpur, IIT (BHU), Varanasi as well as the central government ministries, including the Environment Ministry, attended the meeting. "Stakeholders agreed that a phased roll-out of the common charging port may be conducted so that the same can be applied by the industry and adopted by consumers harmoniously," an official statement said. In the meeting, a broad consensus emerged among stakeholders on the adoption of USB Type C as a charging por
Reiterates its climate goals in its National Statement
Minister outlines plan for carbon reduction
Performance of an item is considered poor if the level of targets achieved has been below 80 per cent
India will push developed countries for "action" on climate finance and technology transfer to help developing nations adapt to climate change, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav has said ahead of the 27th edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) to UNFCCC. The minister said India will also emphasise that it is one of the few countries which has met the 2015 climate goals set in Paris, and stress on climate justice and sustainable lifestyles through Prime Minister Narendra Modi's LIFE movement which stands for "Lifestyle for Environment". "COP27 should be COP for action in terms of climate finance, technology transfer and capacity building. This is our overall approach. India will seek clarity as to what is being termed as climate finance whether it is grants, loans or subsidies. Public and private finance should be separate...adaptation finance and mitigation finance should be equal.These issues will be taken up strongly," the minister told reporters here on Thursday. US
India has demonstrated expertise in mangrove restoration for nearly five decades and can contribute to the global knowledge base due to its experience, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav said Monday at the launch of the "Mangrove Alliance for Climate". The UAE and Indonesia have launched the MAC on the sidelines of the UN climate summit COP27, to strengthen conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystems worldwide. India, Australia, Japan, Spain and Sri Lanka have joined the alliance. Yadav said creating a new carbon sink from mangrove afforestation and reducing emissions from mangrove deforestation are two feasible ways for countries to meet their NDC targets and achieve carbon neutrality. NDCs means national plans and pledges made by countries to limit global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius. "The integration of mangroves into the national programmes for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation i
Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Bhupender Yadav will represent India at the session
Uncertainty surrounds the second attempt to introduce the genetically modified oilseed
India will also seek clarity on loan availability, credit mechanisms and insurance requirements for adaptation finance
Genetically tweaked variety can increase production. It would be unwise for India to deny its commercialisation
The Swadeshi Jagran Manch on Friday opposed a regulatory body's recommendation for environmental release of genetically modified mustard, calling it "dangerous" and urged the Centre to ensure that the crop's seed is not allowed to be planted "now or ever". In a letter to Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav, the RSS-affiliated organisation accused the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) of functioning in an "irresponsible fashion" and said the claims made in support of genetically modified (GM) mustard were "completely untrue, unsubstantiated and wrongly projected". "Swadeshi Jagran Manch has all along been opposing this dangerous and unneeded GM mustard being brought in through the backdoor as a public sector (genetically modified organism (GMO)," Swadeshi Jagran Manch co-convenor Ashwani Mahajan said in the letter. The ministry had earlier kept the regulatory clearance for the operationalisation of the recommendation made in favour of GM mustard in abeyance to se
Initiatives cover actions under seven categories--energy, water saving, single-use plastic, sustainable food systems, waste reduction (Swachhata actions), healthy lifestyle, and e-waste
Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav said that COP 27 is rightfully christened the "COP of Implementation"
The Expert Appraisal Committee under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has recommended Environmental Clearance for the Rs 10,000 crore expansion and debottlenecking of Reliance Industries Ltd's Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) in Gujarat. Debottlenecking is the process of getting more production out of existing plants and equipment by improving processes or revamping equipment. "The EAC, after detailed deliberations, recommended the project for grant of environmental clearance, subject to compliance of terms and conditions as under," the EAC said in the meeting held on October 10. The HMD complex of Mukesh Ambani's RIL was commissioned in 1991-92 to manufacture MonoEthylene Glycol, Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM), Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) along with utilities. Subsequently in later years, the Naphtha cracker, Purified Terepthalic Acid and Polypropylene plants were set up. The HMD is planning to expand its production ...