Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday said his government will help 2.5 lakh persons every month to earn a livelihood through self-employment schemes and asserted that 22.50 lakh people had been provided work under such schemes this year. He also said his government has requested Prime Minister Narendra Narendra Modi to inaugurate the proposed 'Pravasi (NRI) Bharatiya Sammelan', scheduled to be held in Indore from January 7 to 9 next year. The state government will also organize a global investor meet in the city immediately after this conference, Chouhan said at the state-level monthly employment day function here. "We have focused on promoting self-employment. We will help 2.5 lakh people earn livelihood every month under different government self-employment schemes. From January to March, the state helped 13 lakh people become self-employed, while the figure was 9.52 lakh between April and July. They have started businesses through loans under various ..
To help boost the economy, Beijing is targeting investments in new energy projects, high-speed rail and water tunnels
The firm's SaaS-based platform has over 500,000 registered educators and 12,750 institutes pan India and matches the right candidate for the right job across regions
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Tuesday inaugurated the ICICI Bank's state-of-the-art phone banking centre here. The centre will provide direct employment to 1,200 individuals, most of them are from the state and 60 per cent of workforce are women. Inaugurating the centre in presence of ICICI Bank's Executive Director Sandeep Batra, the chief minister said: "I am pleased to inaugurate the bank's modern phone banking centre in Bhubaneswar which is enabled with latest technology of artificial intelligence and robotics." Apart from serving customers in Odisha through its wide network of branches and ATMs, internet banking and mobile app, Patnaik said the bank is a large employer in the state. Stating that digitisation has been playing a key role in transforming Odisha, ICICI Bank's ED said it is the first among Indian states to provide many digital services in the fields of education, telecom, land record and disaster management, among others. The state has made hundreds of serv
Familiarity, fears of recession and regrets about the Great Resignation are drawing workers back, and bosses are boasting about it on social media
Quiet quitting: why doing less at work could be good for you and your employer
With regards to commercial mining, coal minister Pralhad Joshi said 43 mines have been awarded during the last two years and that they will generate employment for nearly 32,000 people
Post pandemic, the private sector stepped up hiring, absorbing a bulk of skilled workforce. But what about the public sector giants? Are they matching up to India Inc in hiring? Let's find out
Although the number of unemployed young people worldwide fell from 75 million in 2021 to 73 million in 2022, it is six million more than pre-pandemic levels
Economic development tends to go hand in hand with urbanisation
He said Indian Railways has been a major contributor in providing employment to people in the country and in this year alone 18,000 jobs have been provided.
Data for June was revised higher to show 398,000 jobs created instead of the previously reported 372,000.
"Only 40 per cent of the labour force that is capable of working is actually working or looking for work. The biggest sufferers are youth and women," said Mahindra.
Odisha government approved 11 investment proposals worth Rs 2,253.15 crore on Thursday, for expeditious economic growth and the creation of new employment opportunities.
Walmart will also add an unspecified number of jobs in areas such as e-commerce, health and wellness, ad sales and supply chain
According to a TeamLease report for the quarter, the intent to hire in retail is higher in the June-September quarter than the April-June period
Various steps are being planned by the state government to give a boost to the sale of handloom, handicrafts and khadi products.
Experts say lockdown and near stalling of business may have prompted the decline
A larger share of them remain without work than men, and the disparity is telling in some states
Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai said that the state government would introduce a new employment policy and self-assessment property tax system for industries in the state