There will be discussions on economic, strategic, smart cities, renewable energy and other aspects
This comes at time with polls showing Macron's popularity plunging after budget cuts, labour reform
Macron is pushing for greater fiscal integration among the 19 nations that now use euro
If they fail to respond to citizen feedback in tangible ways, the frustration with EU may intensify
He constantly refers to books as shaping his vision of France and himself
His plans to restore France's conquering spirit includes shrinking number of seats in both houses of parliament
The result, if confirmed, would give 39-year-old Macron one of France's biggest post-war majorities
Macron also respected the sovereign decision of UK to leave EU in their referendum a year ago
Macron has captured the imagination of a large segment of the voting public in France
Marine Le Pen's FN party was left disappointed as she struggles to rebound
Latest surveys suggest Macron's party will win a comfortable majority in the National Assembly
Macron has enjoyed a smooth start in the five weeks since he beat far-right candidate Marine Le Pen
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Macron made a plea for national unity in a speech to supporters celebrating his win in election
Says his handshake with Trump wasn't an innocent one and it was also a moment of truth
Macron speaks English fluently and has even given a number of interviews in English
Macron seemed to have paid attention to strict gender balance and political renewal
The Prime Minister's appointment is crucial for Macron,
Macron is the eighth directly elected president of the Fifth Republic
Parts of Paris will be closed to traffic