Earlier, the RBI had asked the payment aggregators to stop storing card details within their database as per its March 2020 guidelines that were to take effect from July this year
RBI to fine Rs 5 lakh per instance of lapse. Given that millions of bank customers use the auto-debit facility, banks were staring at hundreds of crores in fines
The e-commerce foreign direct investment policy doesn't sit well with the concept of competition
Perpule provides UltraPOS is a cloud-based, mobile POS system that substantially improves the billing and checkout process at stores
Freshworks has set its sights on increasing revenue to over $1bn inthe next five years as it prepares to take advantage of the vast untapped SaaS market
CityMall will use the funds to strengthen its supply chain, logistics and expand to 20 new cities.
E-commerce giants Etsy and Amazon have been very supportive of these entrepreneurs, who sell anything from jewellery made from concrete, to maternity gowns, to premium decals for tiles and walls
The Google-backed delivery and e-commerce firm is planning to expand its services to about 25 such cities in India from about 8 cities and is also looking to go global and tap dense locations
Objections from the competition regulator and powerful retailers' associations could prompt a tightening of foreign direct investment rules for the online sellers
Users failed to receive text messages including one time passwords for online transactions , and banks attributed the glitches to Trai's new regulations which came into effect on Monday
Shoopy helps retailers and local business owners go online in a few seconds, and manage invoicing, billing, inventory tracking and management, among other aspects of their shops easily
E-commerce firm said to hire people of colour at 'lower levels'
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) lawyer told the Court that when big players give discounts, they incur losses for a short time, but this pushes the smaller players out
This follows report claiming e-commerce giant dodged Indian regulations
Book review of Invent & Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos
E-commerce major Amazon termed the charges as "false and misleading claims"
Says complaints against errant firms being looked into; hopes India's offer of TRIPS waiver for Covid vaccine will get WTO nod
Earlier, Future Retail Limited lawyer had argued that the retail firm may go bust and thousands may lose jobs if the Future-Reliance deal does not go through
India is not agree with the United States Trade Representative (USTR) report that the country's two per cent equalisation levy on foreign e-commerce firms discriminates against American companies
Poland's growing e-commerce market was given a further boost from online shopping during the pandemic and in October, home-grown eBay rival, Allegro, enjoyed a buoyant stock market debut