He did not rule out direct conversations with individual airlines in the coming days
Business Standard brings to you the top headlines of the day
Experts say black people are disproportionately impacted by underlying health conditions linked to poverty and face discrimination in medical care
Putin offered the medical assistance during the two world leaders' telephonic conversation on March 30
The US has frozen shipment of personal protective equipment outside the country, said media reports
Imports from India accounted for 24% of medicines and 31% of medicine ingredients to the United States in 2018, according to the US Food and Drug Administration
The United States leads in the number of Covid-19 with 104,007 infections confirmed so far
Boris Johnson is now in quarantine and the demand for ventilators shoots up
A record three million people have applied for unemployment, the entire travel and tourism industry have come to a standstill, companies have stopped their operations
The US President as he announced that in the next 100 days, the US will be making more than 100,000 ventilators
According to Associated Press, the Trump administration further threatened further reductions in all forms of cooperation after the country's rival leaders failed to agree on forming a new government.
California issued a statewide 'stay at home" order on Thursday for its 40 million residents and Washington warned Americans to return home or stay abroad indefinitely
The cash transfer plan alone is expected to cost $500 billion.
As analysts warn the country is surely entering a recession, the government is grappling with an enormous political undertaking with echoes of the 2008 financial crisis.
Trump referred to the fight against the COVID-19 as a "war" again at a meeting with CEOs of the tourism industry.
Trump's allies had previously referred to the pandemic as the "Chinese coronavirus," but the tweet marks the first time the president said it himself.
His remarks came in response to a question on whether the US economy is heading towards a recession
Facebook said in a statement that it was enforcing its policies to prevent confusion over the 2020 census, which begins next week for most people
Fox News Channel led the way with 4.17 million viewers, the Nielsen company said
This comes three days after the United States and Taliban signed a historic agreement with an aim to bring peace to Afghanistan by the withdrawal of US forces