Union Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that a total of 206,000 passengers have used the domestic air services since May 25, the day when flight operations resumed post-Covid lockdown
Move runs contra to aviation minister's earlier statement on likelihood of raising ceiling to 75% of pre-Covid scheduled domestic flights
Union Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday said domestic civil aviation operations are continuing smoothly and the number of domestic travellers is moving towards pre-Covid figures
Market leader IndiGo had registered a pre-tax loss of Rs 2,849 crore during the same period
The total number of domestic travellers on Sunday in the country touched 143,811, said Hardeep Singh Puri, Civil Aviation Minister said today
Indian airlines resumed their domestic operations from 25 May after being grounded for two months due to the lockdown to contain Covid-19 pandemic
Is dominance of big players necessarily a bad thing?
SpiceJet was offering one-way fares starting at Rs 899 and a complimentary voucher of up to Rs 2,000 which could be used for future booking
On June 26, the government had had allowed airlines to increase flights upto 45% of their total capacity, from the initial cap of one- third of their total capacity.
Domestic passenger services resumed on May 25 after nearly two months of suspension to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
The passenger load factor of major scheduled commercial airlines stood between 54 per cent and 68 per cent, which means carriers were able to fill up to two thirds of the total seats in June.
The restriction on arriving flights to Kolkata Airport from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Nagpur & Ahmedabad has been extended up to 31st July
With 262 planes, IndiGo operated over 1,500 daily flights prior to March 24 but is now operating around 350 scheduled flights a day, which is putting a pressure on its finances
Passengers can defer the 90 per cent remaining payment "for a period of up to 15 days either from the date of bookings or before the date of departure" under this scheme, IndiGo said.
The government resumed domestic passenger flights from May 25 after nearly two months of suspension to combat the coronavirus outbreak
Sources at both IndiGo and Vistara say that some senior pilots and crew who have elderly parents at home had said that they would like to stay off the roster for now.
The HC issued the order on Friday while hearing a petition filed by Air India pilot Deven Kanani who said social distancing was not being maintained on flights as the airline was filling up all seats.
Although unsure of revival in demand, Chief Financial Officer Aditya Pande said there was a slight uptick in forward bookings after the lockdown was relaxed.
DGCA was forced to relook at the middle seat policy after an Air India pilot had challenged the regulator's protocol, in Bombay high court, which allowed airlines to book all seats.
Domestic air travel resumed on Monday after a span of two months and a majority of passengers in the first four days were those, who were left stranded in different parts of the country.