The outbreak began in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei and has spread to the rest of the country, with 440 confirmed cases and nine deaths so far
The researchers, including Indian origin scientist Vishwa Deep Dixit from Yale University in the US, said the human body's ability to generate energy by burning the belly fat reduces with age
Recent reports suggest that removal of your appendix increases risk of Parkinson's disease but the study is yet to be peer reviewed.
Sharing genetic data of pathogens has become important after repeated global crisis with Ebola and Zika
Over the past years, medical field and especially diagnostic field has seen tremendous evolution
The growing attention paid to epidemiology of viruses can be clearly seen as a direct result of urban transition taking place in India over the last 30 years
This illustrates emerging diseases flourish where wars flare up or breakdown of civil society occurs
While colon cancer, heart disease and strokes still remain leading killers, they are occurring later on in life