Toyota Kirloskar Motor on Friday said it has commenced bookings for the updated version of its multipurpose vehicle Innova Crysta. The model now comes with a 2.4-litre diesel powertrain mated with a five speed manual transmission across four trims. It can be booked for Rs 50,000 at company dealerships or online, Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) said in a statement. The opening of bookings for the new Innova Crysta comes on the heels of the launch of the Innova HyCross (available in Gasoline and Strong Hybrid Electric powertrains). "This vehicle (Innova Crysta) is a perfect choice for customers preferring a rugged and practical vehicle, well known for its unparalleled comfort and safety," TKM Vice President, Sales and Strategic Marketing Atul Sood stated.
The price gap between petrol and diesel has been narrowing. And BS VI emission norms dealt another blow to the sales of diesel vehicles. So, what is the road ahead for diesel cars in India?
According to an annual report prepared by the Delhi Traffic Police, there were over 1.22 crore registered vehicles of all categories in Delhi in 2021
Diesel-run auto rickshaws will have to be phased out in the entire national capital region (NCR) by December 31, 2026, according to a new policy formulated to curb air pollution
According to a MoRTH estimate, 25 state transport undertakings own 32,062 buses that are over 10 years old
The Haryana government on Monday introduced a bill in the state assembly to exempt tractors from the rule that bans diesel vehicles older than 10 years from plying in NCR areas
A senior Delhi transport department officer said that petrol vehicles older than 15 years will also be deregistered in the coming days
Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Monday said it is recalling around 600 vehicles manufactured at its Nashik plant to inspect and replace faulty diesel engines. The Mumbai-based auto major said it is undertaking proactive inspection and replacement of diesel engines in some of its vehicles manufactured at Nashik factory for suspicion of premature wear of engine parts due to contaminated fuel that was received in the factory on a particular date and was filled in the select batch. The exercise is for a limited batch of less than 600 vehicles manufactured between June 21 and July 2, 2021 and is keeping in line with the company's customer centric approach, M&M said in a regulatory filing. The inspection and subsequent rectification will be carried out free of cost for all customers, who will be individually contacted by the company, it added. The auto major, however, did not elaborate on the models which would fall under the exercise. The company sells various popular models in ...
BPCL will soon float tenders to seek term contracts for diesel exports
Nearly 2 lakh heavy diesel vehicles more than 15 years old will not be allowed to ply in the city
The Ministry of Heavy Industries said 'forcible scrapping' of vehicles might give rise to various litigations
The Tribunal has also directed the Delhi RTO to issue NOC to the de-registered diesel vehicles in Delhi
Referring to previous extentions in deadline, the apex court observed that alternatives should have been thought out by now
Makers argue these pollute less than petrol ones