Delhi's Deputy CM Manish Sisodia on Monday said that the Delhi Government's Public Works Department has been ordered to withdraw its notice to slum dwellers living in Dhaula Kuan to leave the area
Rao looks after the Department of Regulation, the Department of Communication, the Enforcement Department, the Inspection Department, the Legal Department and the Risk Monitoring Department
Decision comes ahead of merger; RBI had halted move ahead of Aditya Puri's retirement
The Deputy Commissioners were asked to make field visits and ensure proper recording of damages and distribution of compensation by the tehsildars
Jebaraj handles verticals for large and mid-sized corporates, trade finance and NPA management and he has been a member of internal committees for more than a decade, said IDBI Bank
Former P&G CEO Das, who proposed the idea, said this individual should be a leader who would coordinate among different entities to raise competitiveness of the economy
A press briefing organised by the agriculture ministry to celebrate two years of the National Democratic Alliance government has become a talking point because of the absence of the minister's deputies. While one of the deputy ministers was engaged in assisting a candidate assigned by the Bharatiya Janata Party to file his Rajya Sabha nomination, not much is known about the whereabouts of the other minister. This elicited several queries from the people present at the event.