Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said the government has set a target of achieving a turnover of USD 26 billionby 2025 in defence production as India cannot remain dependent on arms import forever. The government has taken several steps to support the private sector to boost indigenous defence manufacturing, Singh said after flagging off the 51st K-9 Vajra-T gun at the Larsen and Toubro's (L&T) Armoured Systems Complex at Hazira here in Gujarat. "India cannot remain dependent on arms import. We have set a target of achieving a turnover of USD 26 billionby 2025 in the defence production. This involves an investment of USD 10 billion in this sector and generation of two-three million employment opportunities," he said addressing the gathering. Singh noted that participation of private sector in defence manufacturing was negligible in the past. "The private sector could not perform because of lack of support. This scenario increased our dependence on imports,"
In reply to a supplementary, Rajnath said the government takes all possible steps in the interest of veterans and retired Army personnel
The association will effectively be a nodal agency for receiving and processing export inquiries from all prospective customers across the globe.
In a telephonic conversation with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, US Defence Secretary Mark T Esper on Thursday called recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir as internal matters of India and hoped that any issue between New Delhi and Islamabad will be resolved bilaterally. Singh raised the issue of cross-border terrorism and appreciated the US support for India's effort to maintain peace and stability in the region, a defence ministry spokesperson said. He conveyed to Esper that withdrawing special status of Jammu and Kashmir was India's internal matter and that the decisions relating to it were aimed at improving economic growth, enhancing democracy as well as prosperity of the people of the region. "US Secretary of Defence appreciated India's position that the recent developments in Jammu & Kashmir are an internal matter of India. He hoped that any issue between India and Pakistan will be resolved bilaterally," the spokesperson said. The talks between Singh and Esper came a ...
Tewari further stated that PM Narendra Modi should realise the sensitivity of the situation