The government penalised the RailYatri app custodian company for a data leak and the app was restored after taking necessary security measures, Parliament was informed on Wednesday. Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar in a written reply to the Lok Sabha said that IRCTC took action on the RailYatri app following information shared by CERT-In in December 2022. "As per information furnished by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), upon receipt of information from CERT-In in December 2022 regarding leakage of data acquired and maintained by RailYatri app, the ticket-booking facility on RailYatri app was stopped, penalty was imposed on the company which is the custodian of the RailYatri app, and the app was restored after taking necessary security measures," he said. The minister said that a total of 10, 5 and 7 incidents of data leak related to government organisations were reported for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively. "As per
A county in Washington inadvertently released nearly half a million partial Social Security Numbers when responding to a routine public records request in December, according to county officials. The Pierce County Auditor's Office, which mistakenly released the sensitive data, said in a news release that the human error was quickly spotted and that the person who received the SSN digits deleted them within two hours. The requester had not asked for the personal information. First let me say that I am incredibly sorry that this happened, Pierce County Auditor Linda Farmer said in statement. Farmer added that this was not a targeted hack, and that "we have taken steps to ensure it does not happen again. The Social Security number information was included in a routine request for publicly available voter registration data, which typically includes names, addresses and birth dates. Personally identifiable information, including Social Security number information, which can be used to ..
New York state resident Stephen Gerber claims his personal information was among the cache of data obtained by hackers between 2021 and 2022
The database, which was posted on Wednesday, contains the names and email addresses of politicians, journalists and bankers, among others
Govt must address vulnerabilities
Breach not from IRCTC, says railways; ticketer's private partners on the govt's radar
ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of popular video app TikTok, said on Thursday that some employees improperly accessed TikTok user data of two journalists and were no longer employed by the compa
The DPC commenced the inquiry "on foot of media reports into the discovery of a collated dataset of Facebook personal data that had been made available on the internet"
Meta-owned WhatsApp on Monday denied that phone numbers of 487 million users have been stolen and put on sale on a 'well-known' hacking community forum
But it should provide the foundation over which you should be able to build any other regulation required for a particular sector, the minister said
After a cyber-security research firm claimed that call data records of around 20 million customers of Vodafone Idea was leaked and accessed by cyber-frauds, the telecom operator has denied the breach
Akasa Air suffered a data breach, allowing unauthorised individuals to view data of some of its customers, India's new airline has admitted
The agency released the vulnerability note a week after Google made the security risks public in its Android Security Bulletin-June 2022
Samsung Electronics has allegedly been hacked by a foreign hacking group, which breached its confidential source code and other classified data, industry sources said
Google's letter to the CCI chairman is like someone blaming the trial court for media leaks of a police charge sheet
Company tells Ashley Gjovik her employment was terminated for violating policies including the disclosure of confidential information
In its first case it has heard and dealt with under the IT Act 2000, the Rajasthan government on Monday imposed a fine of Rs 27 lakh on telecom company Vodafone Idea Ltd (VIL) on a data leak matter
Government picking winners is alive and well
User data was not sold and Alibaba didn't incur financial losses from leak, the company says.
Recently, reports surfaced about a data leak affecting 150 million users registered on the Co-WIN portal had surfaced.