Food safety regulator FSSAI on Friday said it has collected 4,500 samples of edible oils from across the country for quality testing, a move aimed at curbing sale of adulterated cooking oils in the market. The result of this nationwide quality survey is expected within a month, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) said in a statement. The regulator said it has decided to intensify crackdown on the sale of adulterated edible oil with a pan-India surveillance of edible oil, both for the branded and unbranded oil samples. A quality survey was conducted during August 25-27 across all the states and Union Territories. "This nationwide survey, (was) carried out for the first time with over 4,500 samples covering a total of 16 varieties of edible oils, including mustard, coconut, palm, olive, and blended oil," the statement said. Various hilly as well as difficult terrains, including Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Daman & Diu as well as Andaman (UT) have been included as
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