The government on Wednesday said 18,890 complaints have been received on National Consumer Helpline since 2017 against cab aggregators Ola and Uber. "441 grievances have been received on PG (Public Grievance) portal and 18,890 complaints received on National Consumer Helpline from January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2023 against Ola and Uber," Minister of State for Food and Consumer Affairs Ashwini Kumar Choubey said in a written reply to Lok Sabha. The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has issued notices to Ola and Uber on concerns related with deficiency in service, inadequate consumer grievance redressal mechanism, unreasonable levy of cancellation charge and lack of any information on the algorithm, he added.
The grievances are taken up with the airlines concerned. If the complainant is not satisfied he/she can file an appeal
Consumer courts offer a simple and cost-effective avenue for addressing these issues
Users must appeal to the GAC within 30 days of receiving a communication from a grievance officer in case of a dispute
Samsung customers have filed three out of four complaints concerning refrigerator safety since 2020. Consumers have registered 471 complaints regarding refrigerator safety as of July 2022.
Since FY17, the budget allocation for information commissions has shrunk by 82.7% from Rs 31.9 crore
The Centre has conducted a root cause analysis of the public grievances received by select government departments to understand the reasons behind such complaints
Piyush Goyal urged that all Commissions to see how digital media such as WhatsApp and e-mail can be generously used to issue notices, replies and other documents
Part of bigger action plan to create benchmarks for services
Cab aggregators, including Ola and Uber, have been warned of strict action unless they improve their systems and redress rising consumer complaints, a senior government official said on Tuesday.
The government has called a meeting of cab aggregators like Ola and Uber on Tuesday to discuss their policies related to fare calculation, surge pricing, ride cancellations and measures taken by them
Media reports quoting Lonavala police said an FIR had been registered against seven officials of the bank on the complaint of a Lonavala resident
'Instances of misinformation being spread through certain sections of the social media about the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021 (RB-IOS) - have come to the notice of the RBI'
The National Commission observed that the generator set was not purchased for resale, but for self-employment and to earn a livelihood, so a consumer complaint could be filed
The Supreme Court on Friday expressed displeasure over delay in appointments in the Districts and State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
The disposal rate declined marginally to 92.36 per cent, as against 94.03 per cent in 2018-19 as the surging complaints had to be handled by the same number of staff
National consumer helpline gets 173,000 plaints in 2015-16; sharp surge in those against e-commerce companies