The Mizoram government has incurred "wasteful expenditure" of over Rs 15 crore in the installation of the rope way cable car project from Dartlang to Chaltlang here, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has said. The CAG report said that the union tourism ministry observed that the work components consultant did not did not submit a feasibility report or mention in its DPR that the project would go through three power transmission lines. The Rs 99.07 Aizawl-Lengpui-Hmuifang under the Eco circuit theme of Swadeshi Darshan scheme ropeway project by the union tourism ministry was started in March 2017 was to be completed in 30 months. The Dartlang-Chaltlang project was a part of it. The Union Tourism Ministry had, however, observed in December 2019 that the work component of the ropeway was undertaken without obtaining the necessary approvals and without assessing the feasibility of the project, the CAG report said. Moreover, the meeting between the tourism department an
The CAG recommended that these CPSEs should discontinue reimbursement of "running and maintenance" expenses of vehicles as it violates DPE guidelines
He sought innovative suggestions from members to shape Knowledge Share Committee strategies for the next three years
Auditor's report alleges fraudulent withdrawals, forgery, cheating in postal circles across India
The top auditory body found that concessions in 20 projects led to deferments of Rs 9,296 crore premium payable to NHAI between 2014 and 2019
The Centre has allocated Rs 5,000 crore for disinvestment of SPSEs and asset monetisation
Over the past decade, rapid structural changes in the economy have radically altered what was once a low-profile department
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has asked the MHA to increase its efforts to ensure speedy completion of India-Nepal strategic roads
The CAG report said the government undertook funding of revenue and capital expenditure using extra budgetary resources in both the years
The CAG's auditing standards highlight the importance of performance audits for promoting transparency and evaluating outcomes
The CAG, in its application, has sought modification of the July 18, 2016 order by which the apex court had accepted the recommendations of Justice R M Lodha committee
Decision on public sector enterprises should not be delayed
With a constitutionally sound trust in place, expectations would be that PM CARES becomes a war chest India can readily rely on in emergencies when the future of an entire country is at stake
Hardly a month goes by without some prominent former member of the second rung of government - the first rung is the ministers - sallying forth in a quiet baritone
In September, the railways had announced several incentives to boost freight traffic
Target years for reaching the desired fiscal deficit are pushed back; and when FMs are unable to get close to targets, they fudge the books and push the burden on to hapless PSUs, writes T N Ninan
With reference to the editorial "Failures in defence" (July 28), the latest report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on defence equipments speaks volumes about the scant respect being shown by the government agencies/departments to the security concerns of the nation. Needless to say any delay in the acquisition of vital defence equipment and timely execution of the related projects can wreak havoc with national security should an emergency arise.The editorial justifiably highlights several key issues pertaining to strengthening of our forces where prompt action was required but was delayed for one reason or another. Mind you, the matter pertaining to the placing of final orders with vendors for the purchase of 36 Rafale fighter aircraft is unresolved despite the lapse of around four years since these were officially chosen by the government after thorough scrutiny.It is ironical to learn that our armed forces have also failed to maintain defence equipment properly. This must be v