Markets regulator Sebi on Monday directed stock exchanges not to launch new derivative contracts in wheat, crude palm oil, moong and few other commodities till further orders. The latest directive will come into force with immediate effect, according to a release. Launch of new contracts for the paddy (non-basmati), wheat, soya bean and its derivatives (its complex), crude palm oil and moong have been barred till further orders by the regulator. The list includes chana, and mustard seeds and its derivatives (its complex). The derivative contracts in these commodities were suspended earlier this year, the release said. In respect of running contracts, no new position will be allowed to be taken and only squaring up of position will be allowed. The directions will be applicable for a period of one year, it added.
The minister also said Goyal said that special care of MSMEs needs to be taken for easier and cost effective supply of steel
The price of gold differs across the nation owing to excise duty, state taxes, and making charges.
Zinc spiked as much as 6.3% to a 14-year high
Move might impact farmers' realisation when kharif harvest is on, say industry players
The price of gold jewellery varies across India due to excise duty, state taxes, and making charges.
In a first, largest commodities bourse MCX is creating the post of chief operating officer, and the new appointment will be announced as early as early next month, a top exchange official has said. It can be noted that no exchanges in the country, be it the largest NSE or the oldest BSE - a publicly-traded entity or the rival commex National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) have the post of a COO. All these exchanges have MDs/CEOs, chairmen and board members. We have shortlisted a few candidates for the post of our first COO. We should have him/her joining us from early next month, Multi-Commodity Exchange managing director and chief executive PS Reddy told PTI on Wednesday. Asked about the rationale for the post, which is a first in the exchanges space, he said there is more than enough workload for a second top executive. He also said the exchange will have a new chief technology officer soon to replace the vacuum created by the sudden exit of Manav Jain amid the ...
That's the message coming from producers, consumers, traders and shippers at North America's largest aluminum conference, which ended Friday.
Keeping the short-term reactions aside, the impact of any taper really depends on the circumstances under which the US Fed starts tapering, he said.
Rio Tinto Group is the world's biggest iron ore miner
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 47,400 per 10 gm
Other commodities that have seen their big rallies evaporate include platinum, while once-surging nickel, sugar and even lumber have faltered.
With most additional supply being gobbled up very quickly, gas prices will likely stay at elevated levels for the foreseeable future
Nickel has made 'harami' candlestick formation after sharp red candle, indicating selling momentum has subsided
Indian Railways reported 114.8 million tonnes of freight loading in May 2021 which is 9.7 per cent higher than the previous best of 104.6 MT reported in May 2019.
The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission's (CBIRC's) order to exit these products has not been reported before
There's been an unusual amount of attention from policy makers on commodities in recent weeks.
Centre may not need to provide further support this year as worst seems over for the two major input that goes into making DAP for now
S&P futures pointed to further gains, edging 0.1% higher on Friday.