At least one major UK company already faces a hard-hitting resolution aimed at making it more green.
Jaci Anderson, an Amazon spokesperson, said that the company's external communications policy isn't new.
Natural disasters, which are expected to increase due to climate change, also render women and girls vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation, particularly in contexts of pre-existing economically
It includes 17 convening countries and 28 commissioners, including the leaders, representing all regions of the globe and all sectors of development and industry
US is responsible for the majority of tourism-related emissions, followed by China,Germany and India
The govt has launched NAPCC in June, 2008 to deal with climate change and related issues
He said that while countries have gathered here to talk about climate action, we need to consider the needs of most poor and vulnerable population
Prakash Javadekar said India's tax was highest in world and developed countries should follow suit