Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) chief Arun Kumar has described the Air India urination incident as "unfortunate", and said that there were efforts to cover it up
'Protectionism' in social services is impractical
Almost 200 activists gathered outside the Directorate of Mustard Research in Bharatpur (Rajasthan), calling for halting the approvals
The International Monetary Fund should issue $650 billion in new emergency reserves to help its member countries grapple with overlapping crises, 140 civil society groups said in a letter
Documents were to be open for public comments till September 21, civil society groups protest 'removal'
It is an open secret that West Bengal has "serious problems" of governance, he asserted, claiming bureaucracy in the state is "under tightest control of the ruling party".
Creating suspicion about civil society undermines its robustness and contribution to nation building
Through a series of innovative measures, the government has succeeded in kneecapping NGOs, if not finishing them off entirely
An SSE is a platform that allows NGOs and voluntary non-profit organisations to raise capital for social purposes
NGOs have expressed concerns over the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Bill 2020. These, they say, will further clip the wings of the beleaguered civil society
Several civil society organisations and academicians have come together to hold a week-long virtual Janta parliament to highlight the issues faced by vulnerable
Wants one-third of beneficiaries to be women, says wages should not be less than urban state minimum pay, with provision to revise in line with cost of living
In a joint statement, around 125 disability rights organisations, civil society organisations and activists last week said they unequivocally register their strong protest against the proposal
The massive build-up could also pose a grave storage challenge as the monsoon keeps advancing.
K Ganesh, Juggy Marwaha and Venkat K Narayana of Bangalore-based KVN Foundation started by dishing out a modest 500 free meals on March 28 in the FeedMyBangalore campaign
Civil society is finally acquiring dynamism in India
The protesters demanded the ouster of Shashank, who they alleged have hurt the sentiments of the Mizo people by his "pro-Bru" stance for conducting the elections