China is seeing a demand recovery in infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. Countries, like South Korea and Japan, have also placed quotes for importing petroleum products from India amid lockdown
That is a sharp easing from a 6.1% gain in 2019, and is below the 5.4% growth forecast in the March poll
The ruling Communist Party's Politburo said on Friday it would step up macroeconomic policy adjustments and pursue more proactive fiscal policy, state media reported.
India must grab some of the space vacated by China
Exceptional circumstances are sometimes the catalyst for exceptional leaders to emerge; they can also be extremely harsh for those who fail the leadership test.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed with chief ministers ways and preparedness of the states to check the virus spread
Most larger Chinese firms have reopened and many local employees have returned to work
Falling GDP in China is virtually unprecedented and, in the near term at least, these numbers look worse than most previous hypothetical 'hard-landing' scenarios
Some banks have been left trying to unwind loans or raise agreed interest rates, said two bankers
China will reduce import tariffs on consumer goods and encourage regions that have car plate quota restrictions to increase quota
From why analysing state Budgets can be a challenging exercise to how the success of fact-checkers lies in the failure of journalism, here's a selection of Business Standard Opinion pieces for the day
Dell advises work from home after employee tests positive; Mindtree, too, reports a case
Next global recession could be around the corner and it may look a lot different from those that began in 2001 and 2008
Hopes that the epidemic would be over in a few months and economic activity would return to normal have been shattered, as new infections reported around the world now surpass those in China
China has said it could still meet its economic growth target for 2020 despite the epidemic
Business leaders and economists in China are increasingly saying, Enough
Only a couple of sectors in India are likely to see some disruptions but alternatives are being explored to overcome those issues, he said
International Monetary Fund spokesman Gerry Rice said the Fund welcomed China's efforts to contain the spread of the virus
China's state council information office did not immediately respond to requests for comment
2019-nCoV is a reminder that we must build the foundations of public health