India's leading plywood maker Century Plyboards (India) Ltd on Tuesday reported a standalone net profit of Rs 81.36 crore in the third quarter ended December 2022, a 16 per cent decline compared to a net profit of Rs 97.27 crore a year ago. the company reported a 3 per cent growth in revenue to Rs 877 crore for the quarter under review, compared to Rs 848 crore in the corresponding quarter of FY'22. Century Ply also inaugurated its extended capacity at Hoshiarpur MDF (medium density fibre) plant, the company said in a statement. As part of its investment plan over FY23-FY25, the company is investing about Rs 250 crores in Hoshiarpur. With this, the production capacity has been enhanced by 58.33 per cent, the company said. "The Q3FY23 ended with quarterly revenue of Rs 877 crore on standalone basis, a de-growth of just 2.6 per cent on QoQ basis despite being a seasonally weak quarter," Century Plyboards India chairman Sajjan Bhajanka said. The upcoming greenfield MDF project in And
Century Plyboards is expecting a 20-25 per cent growth in revenue this fiscal and is setting up a new Rs 700-crore manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh, its ED Keshav Bhajanka said. Kolkata-based Century Plyboards -- one of the leading players in the wood panel sector -- currently has nine manufacturing plants in West Bengal, Haryana, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Assam, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu for plywood, MDF, laminate and particle boards. It has six plants for plywood and one each for laminate, MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and particle board. In an interview with PTI, Century Plyboards (India) Ltd Executive Director Keshav Bhajanka said the demand for all of its products is strong, primarily from retail consumers, driven by a revival in the housing segment. "We are expecting 20-25 per cent growth this fiscal in our annual turnover," he said. Its main demand comes from retail consumers, with a small percentage of sales from institutional buyers. Asked about the expansion plan, Bhajank
Century Plyboards (India) Ltd on Wednesday reported a nearly three-fold rise in its consolidated net profit to 92.62 crore for the first quarter ended on June 2022. The company had reported a net profit of Rs 31.07 crore in the April-June quarter a year ago, Century Plyboards said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from the operation rose 94.25 per cent to Rs 888.78 crore during the quarter under review. It was Rs 457.54 crore in the corresponding quarter previous fiscal. Century Plyboards' total expenses increased 83.74 per cent to Rs 768.97 crore in Q1 FY2022-23 against Rs 418.50 crore. Meanwhile, in a separate filing Century Plyboards said its board in a meeting held on Wednesday approved the scheme of arrangement between the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Century Infra Ltd. As per the scheme, Century Plyboards will transfer its Container Freight Station Services Undertaking business to its arm Century Infra on a slump sale basis. In consideration, Century Infra will issue
Century Plyboards (India) Ltd on Friday reported a 42.7 per cent jump in its consolidated net profit to Rs 93.89 crore for the third quarter ended December 2021. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 65.79 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year, Century Plyboards said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from operations during October-December 2021 jumped 29.5 per cent to Rs 854.79 crore. It was Rs 660.09 crore in the year-ago period. Century Plyboards' total expenses stood at Rs 725.98 crore during the December 2021 quarter, a jump of 30.67 per cent as compared with Rs 555.60 crore. Shares of Century Plyboards (India) Ltd on Friday declined 2.16 per cent to close at Rs 593.35 apiece on the BSE.
Century Plyboards India on Wednesday said it was aiming to grow at 20 per cent over the next three years, a top company official said
On April 9, the company announced launch of Firewall technology that ensures that its customers get critical time to act and be safe in case of fire
Century Plyboards India on Tuesday said it will pump in Rs 200 crore to expand the medium density fiber (MDF) board unit located at Hoshiarpur in Punjab
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"Immunity and antiviral have become the key words but consumers are not gullible and if they see through a company's claims, it loses the game even before it has begun it," said Harish Bijoor
Century Plyboards (India) Ltd on Wednesday reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 11.79 crore for the first quarter ended June 2020. The company had reported a net profit of Rs 39.91 crore in April-June quarter a year ago, Century Plyboards said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from operations stood at Rs 203.02 crore during the quarter under review. It was at Rs 582.27 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal. The leading plywood company's total expenses stood at Rs 224.76 crore in June quarter. According to the company, "results of this quarter are not comparable to the previous corresponding periods" as it had temporarily shut down operations, including factories and branch offices, during the lockdown, leading to a near halt of business activitieswhich impacted its sales volume and profit. Commenting on the company's performance,Century Plyboards (India) Chairman Sajjan Bhajanka said, "Satisfactory results with cash profit in historically most difficult situation. Fut
Technically, the bullish structure remains intact as long as Nifty trades above 10,200-10,300
The stock dipped 6% to Rs 179, falling 8% from intra-day high of Rs 195 on the BSE.