The income tax department has sought to allay fears of companies over reopening of earlier cases
The notification came after tax investigations unearthed the misuse of Jan dhan Accounts
Tax department have not been up to the mark in the recent past as inspections and reviews are important preventive vigilance functions
Direct tax collections till September grew about 9% to Rs 3.27 lakh crore
The rules take effect from June 1, 2016
CBDT has also asked CITs (A) to upload the data of all the appeals pending before them as on February 29, 2016
IIT graduate Chandra's tenure will last till May next year
Declarations can be made online as well in printed copies of the prescribed form up to midnight on 30th
People who do not have a PAN but have some problem in connection with their IT case can also use the e-nivaran facility
CBDT Chairperson Rani Singh Nair also favours the proposal to advance the presentation of Union Budget to January
To provide certainty to taxpayers in the domain of transfer pricing by specifying the methods of pricing
CBDT will also launch a massive publicity drive to make the Dispute Resolution Scheme a success
Nair has been instrumental in framing the procedures and protocols that led to the roll out of the IDS
The association also raised the issue of disparity in impanelment and asked the FM to ensure parity of IRS with IAS
IRS association asked finance minister to ensure autonomy for CBDT and parity with joint secretary level
Formal resolution against revenue secretary for disciplinary rap on Income Tax officer; department livid and Jaitley issues warning on breach of conduct rules
A fresh circular has been issued by the Board to clarify the issue with regard to applicability of the provisions to levy TCS
Taxpayers claiming FTC shall now be required to file a Statement of Income from a foreign country with details of tax paid in the prescribed Form 67
However, the board needs to keep clarifying its position to bring in more transparency in tax administration
Levy will also not apply to purchase of vehicles by institutions notified under the UN privileges Act and High Commissions and Embassies