Maruti Suzuki India on Friday said it has launched CNG trims of its compact SUV Brezza priced between Rs 9.14 lakh and Rs 12.05 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Brezza S-CNG trims come mated with five-speed manual transmission and deliver a fuel efficiency of 25.51 km/kg, the auto major said in a statement. "We are confident that the Brezza will once again disrupt the segment with the S-CNG version," Maruti Suzuki India Senior Executive Officer Marketing & Sales Shashank Srivastava noted. The company's S-CNG models currently account for 24 per cent of the overall sales, he added. "And CNG sales for models such as the Ertiga and WagonR account for as high as 57 per cent and 41 per cent of total model sales, respectively," Srivastava stated. Moreover, with the government's initiatives aimed at the proliferation of CNG pumps across the nation, these numbers are likely to see a surge in the coming years, he added.
MG Motor India increased its sales from about 40,000 units in 2021 to about 50,000 units in 2022
Firm kick-starts feasibility study on a pure electric model
EQS 580 will be offered with a dual-motor set-up, one on each axle. It develops 516 bhp and 856 Nm of peak torque and is paired with a 4Matic all-wheel-drive system.
Mercedes-Benz will launch the first S-Class electric car today. Read this article to know the performance, features, design, launch timings, specifications and expected price of the vehicle
Committee identifies farming equipment, cell phones, consumer durables among sectors for policy
Company expects car will impress buyers considering premium offers like Toyota Fortuner, Jeep Meridian and MG Gloster
The company's new offering would compete with the likes of Honda City, Maruti Ciaz, Hyundai Verna and the recently-launched Skoda Slavia in the mid-sized sedan segment.
Union Road Transport Ministry has proposed an increase in third-party motor insurance premium for various categories, which is likely to jack up insurance cost of car and two-wheelers from April 1.
Toyota launched Lexus in the US in 1989 as its luxury car subsidiary, and has since then expanded its portfolio around the world and has become the luxury hybrid leader
There are many of them, but only a few can be used to offset the tax burden
Production of mini and compact segment cars, including Alto, New WagonR, Celerio, Ignis, Swift, Baleno and Dzire stood at 85,064 units
If you use the car for more than 2,000 kilometres a month, there will be additional charges
Shares of Hyundai, Maruti Suzuki and Nissan have collectively seen it fall by a third to 53% during last three years
Automakers oppose crash test done by NCAP saying these are done at a speed of 64 km per hour
If you are still at an early stage of searching for a used car, it is necessary to go for a personal inspection before coming to a decision