Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Monday said a world-class cancer hospital will be set up at Jol Sapper village here, close to the Hamirpur Medical College which is under construction. The chief minister said facilities like robotic surgery will be introduced in the medical college to facilitate the patients. Jol Sapper falls under the Nadaun assembly seat which is represented by Sukhu in the state assembly. Sukhu said that eighteen Rajiv Gandhi day-boarding schools will also be constructed in the state in the next financial year for which land has already been identified, according to an official release. He said the state government has planned to build these schools in each assembly constituency in a phased manner. The schools will be built on more than 100 kanal of land and will provide modern facilities and quality education to the students, he said. Sukhu on Sunday announced that a 100-bed hospital will be built in Sujanpur and said that two denotified institutions
The Apollo Proton Cancer Centre expanded its portfolio with another major addition of Proton Gantry named 'Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Therapy Bay,' in line with the mission to provide the most comprehensive and advanced cancer care in India, the Centre said on Tuesday. Tamil Nadu Minister for Information and Publicity M P Saminathan, and APJMJ Sheik Saleem, co-founder, APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation, inaugurated the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Therapy Bay in presence of Harshad Reddy, Director-Operations, Group Oncology & International, Apollo Hospitals, Harish Trivedi, Chief Executive Officer, APCC and Dr Rakesh Jalali, Medical Director & HOD - Radiation Oncology, APCC. The bay comes with a high-tech, most sophisticated and advanced state-of-the-art treatment delivery technique known as image-guided intensity modulated proton therapy (IG-IMPT), a release said. When compared to conventional X-ray-based radiotherapy, this IG-IMPT has minimal to no exposure of normal, healthy organs to
Japanese PM Fumio Kishida announced plans to downgrade the legal status of COVID-19 to the equivalent of seasonal influenza in the spring
Lancet report titled, "Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative," highlights glaring reality
Researchers found that a novel treatment that induces the immune system to eradicate bone marrow cancer cells was effective in as many as 73 per cent of patients in two clinical studies
Cancer screenings and treatment were affected due to Covid but the screening services have gone up post-pandemic, Union Minister of State for Health Bharti Pawar informed Lok Sabha on Friday. Replying to a supplementary question in the Lok Sabha during Question Hour, she said the government is focusing on increasing screenings and early detection of cancer. "Due to Covid, cancer screenings and treatment were affected. After Covid, screenings have increased," Pawar said. She said cancer screening services are being provided through 1.5 lakh Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) across the country. Through these HWCs, 16 crore cases of oral cancer, eight crore cases of breast cancer and around 5.53 crore cases of cervical cancer have been detected, the minister said. "Whether it is rural or urban areas, these services need to be increased. In that view, we are going to increase our 1.5 lakh HWCs throughout the country and through that, we are providing very good screening services," she
Investment activity in the health care space has not slowed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Alembic Pharmaceuticals on Monday said it has received approval from the US health regulator to market Cyclophosphamide capsules, used in the treatment of different kinds of cancers, in the American market. The company has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) to market its product which is a generic version of Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc product, Alembic Pharmaceuticals said in a statement. Cyclophosphamide capsules is an alkylating drug indicated for the treatment of malignant disease and minimal change nephrotic syndrome in pediatric patients. According to IQVIA, cyclophosphamide capsules, 25 mg and 50 mg, have an estimated market size of USD 8 million in the US for twelve months ending Sep 2022. Shares of the drug firm were trading 1.32 per cent down at Rs 630.35 apiece on the BSE.
Pulitzer Prize winner Siddhartha Mukherjee's The Song of The Cell is a beautifully crafted exposition of the author's own lifelong fascination with the subject
Capacity build-up via hub-and-spoke route; experts say country would need 10,000-15,000 more day-care beds and 25,000 surgical beds if all reported patients are to avail treatment
India accounts for around 26 percent of all head and neck cancer cases globally
The disease is now being diagnosed in relatively younger men
Lupin on Monday said it has received a tentative approval from the US health regulator to market Dasatinib tablets, used to treat certain types of cancer, in America. The company in partnership with Pharmascience Inc. has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Dasatinib tablets in strengths of 20 mg, 50 mg, 70 mg, 80 mg, 100 mg, and 140 mg, it said in a statement. The Mumbai-based drug maker's product is a generic version of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company's Sprycel tablets. As per IQVIA MAT data, Dasatinib tablets had an estimated annual sale of USD 1,569 million in the US. Shares of Lupin settled at Rs 662.50 apiece, up 1.49 per cent on the BSE.
A team has uncovered surprising mechanical behaviors of the nucleus. For years, the nucleus within a cell was thought to be elastic like a rubber ball, deforming and snapping back into shape as the cell navigated through pores and between fibers inside the human body. Researchers have now discovered that the nucleus is more complex than originally believed, behaving more like a liquid drop than a rubber ball."The discovery that the nucleus deforms like a liquid drop calls for a fresh look at how the nuclear shape becomes abnormal in diseases like cancer," said Dr. Tanmay Lele, Unocal Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.Lele, a Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Scholar, is co-leading the team that uncovered the surprising mechanical behaviors of the nucleus. Their findings were published in Advanced Science in June 2022.The genetic material governing a cell's function and behavior, called the genome, is safely stored in the nucleus. Nearly .
TU Delft researchers have developed a new method for producing nanocarriers loaded with radioactive salts for imaging and treatment. Because the assembly of these nanocarriers is so simple, the innovation is ideal for clinical research and cancer treatment.The findings of the research were published in the journal 'Advanced Therapeutics'.Chemotherapy is a treatment meant to attack metastasised tumours, but this method unfortunately has many adverse side effects. Nano carriers made out of so-called polymer micelles are a promising, less toxic alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs. Micelles are tiny spheres that can carry around substances inside their core."Clinicians are finding more and more applications of polymer micelles already, mostly to carry chemotherapeutic drugs," co-author of the article and Associate Professor in Applied Radiation & Isotopes Antonia Denkova explained. "Their biggest advantage is that the toxicity to healthy tissue is reduced, meaning that you could ..
Pharma firms and start-ups working to launch it within 2 yrs
The Parliamentary Committee on Health and Family Welfare will meet on Monday evening to discuss 'Affordability of Cancer Treatment' with Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan
The HTL-001 peptide used in the study has undergone safety testing and is suitable for patient trials. These trials are now being considered in GBM and other cancers
Her visit to St Jude is part of her and President Joe Biden's so-called Cancer Moonshot effort, which aims to reduce the cancer death rate by at least 50% over the next 25 years
A study says, hydroxychloroquine inhibits pathways that drive resistance to chemotherapy agent cisplatin in head and neck cancers and restores tumour-killing effects of cisplatin in animal models