WTO ruling is an opportunity to reform the sugar sector
Govt should soon start the PSB privatisation process
Penalise violators, incentivise the unorganised sector
Start-ups cannot be a growth engine for the Indian economy
Violence in politics is gaining a dynamic of its own
Govt should not delay the consolidation process
Raising women's marriageable age needs complementary efforts
House panel report on data protection Bill has many holes
Both Mr Modi and Nehru have been modernisers, but their records of projects have similarities and contrasts, writes T N Ninan
Fed pivots on policy, but calm reigns
States hold key to success of semiconductor incentive plan
Social security law must balance equity with profitability
New regulations for stressed NBFCs harmonise with those for banks
Govt social media needs more accountability
Sebi's proposal to treat all APIs as algo trade is unwarranted
India needs feasible ways to increase farm incomes
New leadership in Berlin has consequences for India
Military reforms should remain a priority
Govt action will be more important than monetary policy
Indo-Russian summit yielded more signalling than substantive gain