Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Sunday he was not afraid of a CBI probe but the agency should also investigate the alleged scam in the Bundelkhand Expressway construction which developed cracks just five days after the prime minister inaugurated it. In an interview with PTI, Sisodia, who is among 15 people and entities named in an FIR registered by the CBI in connection with alleged irregularities in the implementation of the excise policy, said his party was not scared of any investigation and asserted that the scams being alleged by BJP leaders were nothing but "shagufe (lies)". On Saturday, the deputy chief minister said he might be arrested in two-four days. Recently, based on a report submitted by the Delhi chief secretary, Lt Governor V K Saxena had recommended a CBI probe into the Kejriwal government's Excise Policy, 2021-22, over alleged violations of rules and procedural lapses. Claiming that he was unaware about any report, Sisodia said, "The BJP, CBI, L-G,
'The ED has become a tool to harass Opposition leaders on directions of central government. Will ED also probe corruption of govt? The Bundelkhand expressway project is marred by corruption,' he said
Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav on Monday took a jibe at the ruling BJP over a portion of the Bundelkhand Expressway developing deep potholes following rainfall in Jalaun.
PM Modi cautioned people against what he called a "revari (sweet) culture" under which votes were sought by promising freebies and said this could be "very dangerous" for development of the country
On the day Prime Mnister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Bundelkhand Expressway, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav accused the govt of rushing to open the half-complete expressway
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday inaugurated the 296-km-long Bundelkhand Expressway, which passes through seven districts of Uttar Pradesh
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Uttar Pradesh on July 16 and inaugurate Bundelkhand Expressway
The foundation stone of the four-lane expressway, which will connect Chitrakoot with the Lucknow-Agra Expressway, was laid by Modi in February 2020.
The government has been committed to enhancing connectivity across the country, a key feature of which has been the work towards improvement in road infrastructure, the PMO said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the 296-km-long Bundelkhand expressway in Uttar Pradesh on July 16
In the second of a three-part series, Nitin Kumar travels through the villages along the Bundelkhand Expressway, where water scarcity and the lack of infrastructure are the key concerns of the people
Four expressway projects with an estimated outlay of Rs 80,000 crore are in different stages of development in the state
The trees were cut in Banda, Chitrakoot, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Jalaun, Aurraiya and Etawah, it said
The 628 km project is branded as world's longest access controlled road
Expressway is estimated to cost Rs 15,000 cr; the loans have been raised from a consortium of PSU lenders such as Bank of Baroda, Union Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Indian Bank, Bank of India and Uco
Chief Minister Adityanath has called for setting up townships within a radius of two km on either side of three key expressways
Post lockdown, Adityanath govt is expediting mega infra projects
Construction agencies will follow social distancing and sanitisation norms working on expressways; healthcare staff at hospitals to be trained to protect themselves from coronavirus
Terms Bundelkhand region as future 'Make in India' hub
He will also launch 10,000 Farmers Producer Organisations all over the country.