Behind closed doors, Theresa May's inner circle is discussing the options if she fails
Under the new proposals, an annual cap of 20,700 on the number of skilled work visas issued will be removed, likely to benefit doctors and IT professionals from India, among others
Banks in London have already begun to make plans to move staff abroad ahead of Brexit, which will make it more difficult for them to do business in the European Union from Britain
Businesses have been watching in horror as politicians have focused on factional disputes, threy said
Corbyn said the move was 'the only way I can think of ensuring a vote takes place this week
Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but its relations with Britain are based on a long line of bilateral agreements between Bern and the bloc
Parliament is deeply divided, with factions pressing for different options for future ties, exiting without a deal or remaining in the EU
She will warn that another referendum would also 'further divide our country at the very moment we should be working to unite it'
'No, a second referendum would be divisive,' said education minister Damian Hinds
Right-wing critics fear the current deal could leave Britain indefinitely in the EU customs union so as to prevent restoration of the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland
If MPs dig in against the prime minister's deal and then hunker down in their different corners, none with a majority, the country will face serious trouble
A second referendum is the only way out
Victory in the ballot gives the prime minister some breathing space - she cannot be challenged again in this way for a year
EU President Donald Tusk said bloc leaders wanted to help the prime minister but added: 'The question is how'
'We will therefore defer the vote scheduled for tomorrow and not proceed to divide the house of Commons at this time,' says May
May splintered government appears to be facing a heavy defeat in parliament on Tuesday on the draft withdrawal agreement she signed with Brussels last month
May is under pressure from her cabinet to delay the vote and fly to Brussels to secure more concessions ahead of a planned summit with 27 fellow EU leaders, says report
Theresa May, has assured UK citizens that the deal is the best that the UK can achieve
Manufacturers are also seeking a guarantee of free-flowing trade to avoid delays and extra customs checks at ports when future trading rules kick in
As Theresa May returns from Brussels to try and sell her withdrawal deal to parliament, the Union is straining like never before